“What these little cards have the potential to do is to make something like international travel easier by avoiding requirements for quarantine or testing.”

After someone receives their Covid vaccination, the recipient is given a small card they can carry verifying when they were vaccinated on what date they received it, and where. The media is advocating all card carriers hold onto it calling it their ticket to freedom.

Here is what an ABC report said about holding onto the card and the power it holds:

Proof of vaccination may allow us to begin resuming our normal activities in the near future.

Photos that display the COVID-19 vaccination card like a badge of honor have been making the rounds on social media for months, but the card is more than fodder for selfies, it could be your ticket to freedom in the coming months — so it should be protected as such.

The precious paper card contains vital information including the brand of vaccine you received and the dates you were immunized. According to public health experts, it’s crucial to keep that information handy in case you need it to prove your vaccination status, or to streamline possible future booster shots.

Here are what some other doctors had to say about these cards:

A vaccination card is a tool that people can use to declare that they have some level of protection against COVID. Being able to assess immunity to COVID is a critical part of trying to resume our daily lives.

John Brownstein. Ph.D., an ABC News contributor and epidemiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital.

What these little cards have the potential to do is to make something like international travel easier by avoiding requirements for quarantine or testing.

Amesh Adalja. M.D., FIDSA, an infectious disease specialist and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security

The ABC article also states, All vaccinations administered in the U.S. should have a paper trail, but if your vaccine card can help you navigate through our new normal, you may want to treat it with care.

Dr. Brownstein additionally added why it is important to have your card.

Whether it’s school, entertainment venues or travel, there’s going to be an expectation that to resume these activities you have to be retested and enter quarantine or produce proof of immunization.

He also added that as we emerge from the current pandemonium and enter the “new normal,” the vaccine card could be the “ticket back to normalcy.”

The report also warns of forged vaccine cards online and doctors warn to avoid all ads and sellers who are selling these fraudulent cards. The report states this:

Public health officials have serious concerns about fraud when it comes to these cards, which is another reason digital verification may be important for the development of vaccine passports.


Much of this reminds me of what that Covid propaganda film “Songbird” displayed. In that film that took place in the year 2023 where Covid evolved and is actually deadly, martial law is in place and only those that had a wristband for proof of being vaccinated could come and go as they pleased. This will be the continued push as more resistance grows for the vaccine; the “only way out” will be to get vaccinated and get the card that says so.

Not happening from me. There is nothing that could be said or dead for me to take the vaccine.

As also evidenced by the wording in that report, this has even more ominous overtones of the mark of the beast rearing its ugly head again.

[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

I can already imagine the sales pitch now: the media and the propaganda will be “‘Tired of losing or forgetting to bring your card with you? What a drag! But now you don’t need a card. Introducing the Mark (fill in the blank for whatever they’ll call it)! You can have it inserted in or upon your hand, or even your forehead, and you’ll never have to worry about losing it again! -I’m being satirical of course.

Airlines And Nations To Administer Covid Immunity Passports

“Excelsior Pass” Comes To New York

U.K. Descends Into Insanity. Deadly Strain Of Propaganda Unleashed

Walmart Unveils Their Own Covid Digital Pass

Israel Has Become The Modern Nazi Germany

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  • Taking people’s temperature right on the middle of the forehead is a big indicator that this scamdemic agenda is tied to the Mark somehow. Making them accustomed to having their foreheads scanned, which they wouldn’t be able to do if it wasn’t through this “virus hysteria” pre-conditioning.

  • Wage war on the tyranny and pray that those stupid evil cards disappear! Same with the covid passports. Just a regular passport and a bunch of stamps in them for us, thank you very much.

  • How does one remove the self-righteous veil from their heart in order to make the heart agree with the head that one is a sinner?

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