Good luck with that…

According to a report by Leisure and Travel, California theme parks and attractions are set to reopen starting April 1st.

Trade group California Attractions and Parks Association (CAPA) is recommending amusement park guests to avoid and stop actions such as screaming when on attractions such as coasters and other rides, no heavy breathing, and no signing, says a report from USA Today.

According to that report, they warn that those types of activities and actions can cause the risk of droplets of germs from spreading more easily.

These recommendations can be found in CAPA’s “Responsible Reopening Plan” giving advice to amusement parks.

Theme parks will be only able to operate with 15% capacity.

Disneyland will open at the end of April.

According to the Leisure and Travel report, This advice isn’t new to the amusement park industry. Back in May 2020, the East and West Japan Theme Park Associations recommended a “no screaming” policy on roller coasters, with some parks even offering special face mask decals to fake a scream while riding.


Have fun but don’t have too much fun!

To be acerbic and blunt here: this is just retarded. There is not an ounce of logic in this at all. I thought one of the primary functions of the masks was to stop droplets? – in the words of Fauci. Just saying.

Because of these absolutely stupid and draconian restrictions, very few will show up as the theme parks continue to bleed cash.

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1 Comment

  • That is so retarded and ridiculous! We get on a ride that goes at 100 MPH and goes up 200 foot hills and then goes down suddenly at break-neck speed, people will scream, that’s inevitable!
    When this tyranny gets slashed by God’s whet sword and the ordained arrows from God’s bent bow, I’m gonna get on a ride at Six Flags be it in San Antonio or Orlando and I will go

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