Colbert: “Which one most effectively delivers Bill Gates’ brain-controlling microchip?”
Fauci: “Well, there are a couple: one microchip from me, and one microchip from Bill. It depends which one you want.”

Dr. Fauci has been making more media tours of recent as many in the mainstream are celebrating what they are now dubbing “Coronaversary” – as it has been officially one year since the Covid-19 was declared a pandemic.

Fauci was interviewed by Stephen Colbert on CBS’ Late Show, where they discussed vaccines and reopenings, and other Covid related topics.

Fauci was asked questions such as what vaccine he prefers of the three that are in use in America. Fauci basically said it does not matter and all are efficacious.

Colbert jokingly asked when he could eventually “hit the club” again.

He also sarcastically asked Fauci which vaccine will more effectively administer a computer chip created by Bill Gates.

Colbert: “Which one most effectively delivers Bill Gates’ brain-controlling microchip?”
Fauci: “Well, there are a couple: one microchip from me, and one microchip from Bill. It depends which one you want.”

Fauci was also asked if Covid would eventually be wiped out or rendered less dangerous, and for how much longer we will be dealing with it. Fauci responded by saying he did not know.

Colbert joked with Fauci also about how Fauci has been nominated for Sexiest Man Alive.


Seems like Fauci is more of a media celebrity then an actual doctor. Of course, I think many WinePress readers already know this, but you do not get even in the discussion for being the “sexist man alive” if you are not a highly influential figure in the entertainment, music, media, and sports industries.

[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

As for these two sickos, Fauci and Colbert, they are playing on the conspiracies that these vaccines have microchips and all that other stuff. It is the typical cat and mouse game that is played in the media. One side makes absurd statements while the other side makes absurd statements, all while pushing the true agenda. There are professing Christians right now, and prior to the vaccinations, who have been convinced that this is the mark of the beast. I can assure you it is not.

However, as we have documented in other reports, the ingredients used for the vaccines lend towards the idea that these vaccines (and the subsequent ones to come in later years), could be designed to reprogram the mind and body to want the mark of the beast. In other words, because these vaccines have DNA altering ingredients such as mRNA, the person’s DNA can be rewired to subtly accept a “post-hypnotic suggestion” and not realize it, thereby removing free will.

Also, for those that do not know: Fauci is a trained-Jesuit. If you look on the third bookshelf on the right, second row, you will see what looks to be some sort of thermos or cup with Fauci’s face superimposed over a catholic depiction of Jesus with the sacred burning heart, and with a halo around his head. A nimbus or halo around the head of someone means they are a canonized saint in Roman Catholicism. Either someone thinks Fauci is a saint, or Fauci sees himself as one.

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  • The fact they have to misrepresent the cautions against it tells us all we need to know about the trustworthiness of their testimony or opinion. Would that people were using the brain and conscientious knowing that God has given them.

    • It is sick enough that they are pushing the vaccines everywhere and promoting it at award ceremonies,football games, regular tv shows,commercials, and through youtube celebs. People are too asleep to see that they are being bribed to take this garbage. I now see many people leaning towards getting the Johnson and Johnson shot because it doesnt have Mrna in it and the media tells the masses that the JJ one is like a traditional shot but when you look at the JJ vaccine ingredients the main active ingredient is Recombinant which is considered RDNA which is used in gmo plants and animal cloning like dolly the sheep. So even though they say that the JJ vaccine is not Mrna it is technically the same thing because Recombinant still will change your dna and make you a gmo patent by the government. No matter which shot they push to the masses it is all the same thing under a different name. It is even sadder that most of the family members I know have gotten this shot.

      • I totally agree.

        Ecclesiastes 1: 9, 14 (KJV) 9) The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. 14) I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.

        I tried watching / listening to those two knuckleheads but could not stomach it any longer. So pathetic.

  • Two idiots! Both athiests in their own way! One being a jesuit satanist! Hell is waiting for them! Hopefully they’ll both take the vaccine and it kills them like it did that Polish doctor. Galations 6:7

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