This type of wearable would be very helpful for people with underlying medical conditions to monitor their own health on a regular basis. It would also serve as a great tool for remote patient monitoring, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when people are minimizing in-person visits to the clinic.” -Lu Yin. P.H.D. of UC San Diego.

The following report is from the Trends Journal:

Bioscientists at the University of California at San Diego have fashioned a stretchy polymer patch smaller than a business card that will monitor your blood pressure; read your sweat to measure levels of alcohol, caffeine, and lactose in your body; and track glucose levels in the fluid between your cells.

At the center of the patch, a blood pressure sensor sends ultrasound waves into the body that bounce off arteries. A computer converts the pattern of returning echoes into a blood pressure reading.

Another sensor sends compounds into the skin that cause the skin the sweat, then reads the sweat’s contents; the glucose monitor zaps the wearer with a tiny electrical current that releases fluid from between cells, then takes a glucose measurement.

The developers see their creation as not only useful in hospital ICU wards where patients’ vital signs have to be continually monitored, but also for people with diabetes, high blood pressure, and other chronic conditions that need steady attention.

Currently, the device is wired to a tabletop reader but the designers are at work on a wireless version that, ultimately, will be able to send readings to a smartphone.

TRENDPOST: The new wearable medical lab will evolve, eventually becoming customizable to the needs of each wearer, depending on which vital signs or biochemicals need to be monitored.

More broadly, the confluence of miniaturization and computer power continues to drive the transfer of routine medical exams and monitoring from doctors to individuals. That eliminates time spent in waiting rooms, uncomfortable procedures, and anxiety while waiting for results.

The trend of transferring monitoring and data collection from doctor to patient also gives individuals more responsibility for their well-being. 

Read more about it on the university’s website:


WinePress readers and King James Bible believers already know where this is pointing towards:

[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelations 13:16-18

Just as the Trends Journal noted, those things they listed will be one one of the many selling and conversion tactics used for the mark of the beast. There has been a steady and subtle push for society to accept a new biometric world where everyone’s personal data (license, bank accounts, social security, medical records, insurance claims, etc.) are all accessible at a moments notice.

This will continue to be further developed and pushed more fervently as the years roll by.

Predictive programming on a Netflix cartoon

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  • This format of mark reminds me about this thing happening to me a while back.

    I asked the Lord how its going to be with the mark of the beast. and went to bed. When i Lay om my bed I saw (in the spirit or i dont know) before me, a man sitting on a chair with a hat on, (soft winter headwear without a brim) it was blue. And he had it pulled over His eyes. (I thought this is he doing willingly or he doesnt know better)
    And after i Saw the man sitting there, i Saw a pair of hands reach forward towards His forhead holding a clear strip with the mark on and would apply it in the forhead.

    I got so scared i had to open My eyes and stop this vision.

    Try the profetic, but it goes hand in hand with the Bible i think. People will be taking the mark willingly and blindly.
    IF this is the mark. It remains to see. For those thats left behind.

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