“Wonder why zombies, zombie apocalypse, and zombie preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC web site? As it turns out, what first began as a tongue-in-cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages has proven to be a very effective platform. We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on all hazards preparedness via ‘zombie preparedness.'”

The following report is from Yahoo Life:

Back in the 16th century, French astrologer Nostradamus predicted that there would be a zombie apocalypse in the year 2021. And now that it’s actually 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention want to make sure you’re prepared…just in case.

The CDC recently updated the Zombie Preparedness section on its website — yes, this is a thing. While the section isn’t new — it originally launched back in 2011 — it does make for interesting timing given that it’s been updated in the middle of a global pandemic that just so happens to be happening in the year of a predicted zombie apocalypse.

The CDC makes it clear online that this is a joke, albeit one with a serious message about the importance of disaster preparedness.

Wonder why zombies, zombie apocalypse, and zombie preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC web site? As it turns out, what first began as a tongue-in-cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages has proven to be a very effective platform. We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on all hazards preparedness via ‘zombie preparedness.’

The CDC offers up lesson plans for teachers on zombie apocalypse preparedness, a downloadable poster that reads, “Get a Kit. Make a Plan. Be Prepared,” next to a zombie’s face, and general information about disaster preparedness.

In one related but non-zombie section on preparedness, the CDC talks about the importance of having certain tools at home, like food, water and medical supplies to last for at least 72 hours, backup power sources, medical records and an emergency supply of prescription medicine.

But the CDC also ties advice back to zombies with a blog post that lists out exactly what you need to have stashed at home, in case of a zombie apocalypse — that could also help in the event of other disasters. In addition to one gallon of water per person per day, the CDC recommends having first-aid supplies available, noting, “although you’re a goner if a zombie bites you, you can use these supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane.”

The CDC did not respond to Yahoo Life’s request for comment.

Disaster preparedness experts and doctors seem to think the campaign is pretty smart.

I think it’s great. As we’ve seen with coronavirus, disaster preparedness is crucial.

John Sellick. Professor in the Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo

FEMA-certified natural disaster preparedness instructor Cheryl Nelson, founder of Prepare with Cher, agrees.

I think this is brilliant. It is definitely an attention-getter and it makes preparing fun. The more creative ways we can get the preparedness message out, the better.

The CDC is simply “trying to make disaster preparedness relatable to different populations,” Mitchel A. Rosen, an associate professor in the Department of Urban and Global Public Health at the Rutgers School of Public Health, tells Yahoo Life. And, he says, framing the topic around a zombie apocalypse “makes it fun to learn about disaster preparedness.”

Lee Clarke, a sociology professor at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, tells Yahoo Life that, while zombie preparedness can seem “trite, trivial and amusing on the surface” he points out that “all the messages are there.” “They just substitute ‘zombie’ for ‘flood’ or ‘hurricane,'” he says. “Zombies are just more interesting, and it draws people in.”

Plenty of people have joked about a zombie apocalypse happening, but,

2020 made something like that not seem so impossible anymore. It creates the mindset, ‘Well, gosh. If a global pandemic happened, what’s next — zombies?! Maybe I should prepare.’

Cheyl Nelson

Even though the zombie apocalypse is unlikely to actually happen, Nelson says families should consider their own disaster preparedness plan.

Did you ever think a global pandemic would happen in our lifetime? Don’t you wish you had had a disaster prep kit with items like hand sanitizer, wipes, masks and the ever-so-necessary toilet paper when the pandemic hit?

Take a time out and prepare now. If you don’t want to prepare for yourself, prepare for your loved ones. Do it for them. They’ll be thankful you did.


[32] Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways. [33] Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. [34] Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. [35] For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD. [36] But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.

Proverbs 8:32-36

The direct context of Proverbs 8 is referring to wisdom, and it is personified as a women. However, this is essentially a figurative reference to the Lord Jesus Christ, who the Bible says “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:2-3). You will always seem to notice a trend with people that go beyond just being lost and disobedient to the Lord, but people that actually despise him have an affection for death. This is why this world glorifies bloody and gorey movies and video games (zombies for example). This is why murder rates continue to exponentially rise. This is why “humor” among people, especially youth today, habitually is centered around telling their friends to kill themselves, or joke about committing suicide themselves.

The irony here with this is the people that are compliant and willingly obedient slaves to all of this Covid propaganda are the real zombies. Every time I go to the store you see the masses slowly shuffling around behind their carts, struggling to breathe, brain malfunctioning from lack of oxygen and increased CO2/germs and hocked up on pharmaceuticals. I am sure many of you know what I am talking about.

I also want to point out that the media periodically throws out Nostradamus and connects him to all of these supposed “prophecies.” If you ever look up some of the stuff he said, and what people attribute to it – it is absolutely hilarious. Nostradamus was drug using occultist who made stuff up in his drunken and psychotropic trips.

I also want to toss out a theory I have heard for years. I have no idea if it is true or not, but I have seen professing Christians say that there will be a zombie apocalypse during the time of Jacob’s trouble.

[5] And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. [6] And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

Revelation 9:5-6

This is one of the passages I have seen used to support that claim, and it is in context to the fifth trumpet that releases the hellish locust plague. I am not saying I agree with the theory, but just noting what I have heard. I really do not know if there will be an actual zombie plague. I doubt it to be honest. But please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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  • Funny, I heard something about “Zombie Apocolpye” from ABC News, I believe, around 30 or 40 minutes ago – Now I see this. Wow.

      • I think this is the elites just making more of a mockery of the masses. They want to see how far they can push people into complying to their rules. I can imagine how many people want to buy Zombie kits now just because the news brought this up.

        It’s the same reason why you see people with double masks on their faces and are eagerly waiting to get the vaccine. These people speak in double speak. The zombie apocalypse is already here and the outbreak started when people started using smart phones and turned their brains off to common sense.

        It seems like nobody (except those who are awake) can put two and two together and think about how everything the media says is “good for us” in fact are the things that harm us. People that rarely go to the doctor are healthier than people who go every year for a doctor visit and people who do not wear a mask all day do not have trouble breathing…

        It is upsetting that people can just stare mindlessly into their screens and believe everything that is told to them. These are the real zombies because they lash out at you once you tell them the things they were told are a lie. In reality, more people are becoming zombified by the witchcraft that is being placed on them through all of these psyops. Lets watch out for the month of May to September, I think we may really see the undead playing their roles 1984 style.

  • Back about ten years ago, when the Rick Warren stuff & strange spirit stuff was sweeping into the any Bible churches, there was a zombie fad amongst the college aged kids. I thought it was creepy, and was surprised parents went along with it, but no boast here: we were very deceived & it took some real shocks to shake us out of those places.

    I also heard people go on about Nostradamus, but it was so vague that you could make it say about anything….and the connection with Catharine de Medici & her court was creepy, too. So she had her confessors & her ‘seer’, rather like Rasputin & Empress Alexandra. It maddens me that it took me so long to see the witchcraft/voodoo connection with Rome & people of power. What is happening with Biden & Trump is nothing new.

    And it saddened me back then & surely before I made that connection that people were grasping at ‘supernatural’ straws. The Lord had saved me so unmistakably, with all things made new & shame for my past which folks kept counseling me I shouldn’t have. I found it confusing. I realize now that experience- and signs-and-wonders-chasing is inevitable when they lose biblical confidence & assurance due to suffering the new versions, & folks aren’t really getting saved, just pointed to psychology, religion & religious authorities juggling 20 versions to say whatever they wanted it to say, and which harmonized with the psych-craft, psych-philosophy of men. The supposed ‘proofs’ like extra-biblical prophecy, dreams, visions and experiences drew many away & into the social justice movement. : – (

    I’d been uncomfortable for a long time, but I was very ashamed when the Lord shook us out of there, & just reading, reading, reading and looking for good teaching on the things the soft & social justice churches weren’t teaching. I have to admit that when I read Revelation 9….the zombie thing DID cross my mind. And Joel, but not like the Kansas City crowd was teaching it.

    And then there is Mark 9 (isn’t it funny how those built in cross-references just ‘pop up’? …Revelation 9 and Mark 9, go figure), and Isaiah 14 and Isaiah 66:24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

    So, their ‘worm’, that would be their souls, right? If the spirit returns to God who gave it, then soul must be like the marrow in the bones or spirit, cross-referencing with Hebrews 4:12? And their. flesh will be corruptible, not transformed or glorified? Thoughts and scripture on that?

    Whatever it is, there are parallels and connections biblically. It’s not good & folks who will hear should be warned. Satan who knows scripture is inspiring & preparing men with an alternative interpretation to the Bible to keep them deceived.

    Coming from the CDC, you have to wonder if they aren’t setting the stage for a despised & utterly dependent underclass: as earlier vaccines did autism, this genetic modification experimental thing has the potential not only to kill, but to cause the MS-type symptoms, spasming, and a sort of suffering that would drive many to distraction. Especially as the system is overwhelmed by it all…..& with so much else going on with financial collapse, the increase in storm & earthquake, volcano activity, food scarcity etc.

    I’ve heard men speculating on the gene editing & nano-technology being part of the mark for some time now, along with connectivity. Like everything Satan does or moves rebellious men to do, it’s not going to be quite the ‘eternal life’ fix they thought it would be trying to reverse the curse & ‘eating’ from a man-and-devil-crafted ‘tree of life’. A zombie existence.

    The kabala is all about that ‘tree’, genetic symbology as the rod & intertwining serpents, a bridge or a ladder, & the type of wicked, corrupt stuff that was going on pre-flood of Noah….tying in to Pontifex Maximus & the Babylonian title of the pope, certain ancient Egyptian imagery.

    You could see them doing some sort of genetic modification, cloning thing with the Beast, the last pope. Fits the goal of merging world religions, including apostate Judaism, Rome and all the pagans; & the Bible account, though I don’t think anyone can be dogmatic about it quite yet.

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