This past week the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has partnered with Microsoft to implement the “Daily Pass.”

The Daily Pass is a phone app that requires students, teachers, and faculty to answer some basic questions about their general health to see if the individual has signs of Covid-19. Once this is completed, the app creates a QR code that has to be printed out, and then an authority at the school scans the code. No one is allowed to enter the building without a pass.

From the District’s website:

Los Angeles Unified has launched a one-stop shop web app built specifically for the District to ensure that we get students, faculty and administrators back to schools and district offices as safely as possible. In addition to completing a daily health check through the app, users will be able to book COVID-19 tests and receive test results and messages.

This innovative tool was developed in partnership with Microsoft to bring our students back into the classrooms with the following easy steps:

Students, parents and visitors will access the Daily Pass on any computer, tablet or mobile device at
• Answer the daily health check questions (not more than a two-minute process!)
• If the individual has recently tested negative for COVID-19 and completes the online health check, a QR code will be generated for that day and specific site location
• School staff members dedicated to be “Welcomers” will be at every site to scan the QR code and take your temperature at the entrance.

NOTE: More information on the frequency of testing will be available in the coming weeks.

Los Angeles Unified is committed to ensuring the safest way to provide our greater school community the assurance of a protected return to school when health conditions permit.

Superintendent Austin Beutner explains in greater detail how the pass works. A Microsoft employee also makes an appearance.


[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

I keep saying it over and over, that Covid-19 very clearly (to anyone that is awake) has nothing to do with a virus, but everything to do with a hard reset of the current system to further implement the coming mark of the beast system.

The little children get messed with even more and are forced to grow up in a world of no freedoms and joy. It is just quite sickening. Or how about when that demented superintendent said they are anxious to the see the students smiling faces again? How can you see them smiling when they are wearing a mask?? I guess he means at lunch time when the kids have time to breathe for 25 minutes; cause we all know that Covid is not infectious or deadly in the seated position eating lunch, but as soon as you stand up it is super-duper deadly, especially if you are a child whose survival rate for Covid is 99.997%.

This is also reminiscent of that Covid propaganda film “Songbird,” where the people had to receive daily facial scans from their smartphones to be able to have freedom in the confined spaces of the home.

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  • You think this is bad?? I used to work for this wicked company but God kept grieving me and I left. Before I did though they were talking about rebranding office 365 home into Microsoft 365 family. With 365 family they added a new feature that office 365 did not have which was the ability to track other family members through the 365 family applications to see where your children are or other family members are. To most people who are asleep this may seem harmless but this is just contract tracing in a new name under microsoft’s control. I am so happy I left. I passed by my old job one day and saw employees wearing masks and very far away from each other and looking out the glass doors like miserable zombies.

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