Words cannot describe the insanity.

Ian Dunn of the Wenatchee World begins his report on the reopening of Washington state schools Wenatchee and Eastmont highs by stating,

You can’t see them smiling beneath the masks, but students at Wenatchee and Eastmont high schools are glad to be back in school, even if it’s only part-time.

It is amazing the level of energy in the building, having adults interacting with kids but also the conversations of adults to adults. You get kids back in the building, you get a lot of smiles even with masks on. You can tell people are happy.

Eric Anderson. Wenatchee Principal 

Completely rejuvenating. We are recharged. We feel like we’re educators again. It has been spectacular.

Lance Noell. Eastmont Principal

The report notes the social-emotional impact of being locked up, socially-distanced away from friends, classmates, coworkers, and people in general; and how it is refreshing to get those interactions back, and that students have reacted positively.

The stories I hear from them are dark. It’s disturbing and scary. The fact they are talking to me about that is significant. It’s not just me. You know that is happening with staff all over the building because it is all about relationships all over the building.

The fact they are talking to me about that is significant. It’s not just me. You know that is happening with staff all over the building because it is all about relationships all over the building. I will say the damage is extensive. When we talk about social-emotional damage. We will be dealing with these scars for many years.

Lance Noell

One Wenatchee senior said,

Excited to be back in the building with friends and around teachers. It’s so much easier to being in the classroom than being in Zoom

Alexandra Provo de las Heras

Eastmont Assistant Superintendent Matt Charlton says because of all the lockdowns, social distancing, Zoom calles, etc., it has led to a definite loss of learning.

We’re trying to get a handle on how much there is. Yes, we will have some summer school opportunities and credit retrieval-type things. There will be some kids needing more time to get across the finish line. Last year, the Eastmont staff did a remarkable job working with each kid to help them get across the line. They are using that same approach this year at the high school.

Even in remote learning, their questions would be different. I will give our students and staff credit. They have worked extremely hard through this process. They have learned a lot but they have learned a lot differently than they have learned in the past.

The report, however, included pictures of band members socially distanced in little miniature tents. The report made no actual mention of these tents.


Oh yeah, that just looks soooo fun and invigorating to be back in school – wearing a mask every second, socially distanced, ubiquitous sanitation so your hands develop alligator skin, and now forced to fester in their own stench and to play an instrument in a tent!

I mean, I really do not even know what to say anymore. My stomach honestly feels queasy writing this.

Yeah, no kidding these students (all around the country) learned ‘something:’ how to be a good little slave with a bleak future. They learned how to be scared of something that quite literally has almost no chance of even infecting them – if they do, they won’t even know it! Words cannot even describe this insanity.

I think I am more than justified in praying for the Lord’s VERY sore judgment upon the media, politicians, medical officials, and school authorities for what they have and are doing. This is so vexing and disgusting. These children are scarred, and as the report noted, it will take quite some time to undo the damage. But what is done is done and this will leave scars.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

And yet we have blind, arrogant, and frankly, stupid, conservatives that have been flapping their gums ’bout how we need to keep the kids in school. WHY?! So they can go back to this?!

And don’t think this is just Washington: it’s everywhere. Check out our video entitled “The New Nazi Youth” to see what the propagandist initiatives at work on the youth – from the media to the schools.

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

Romans 12:19

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  • The recent generations have been a serious downhill, but this one has just been totally wrecked. It’s gone. I can’t even fathom the thought of being a 10-year-old going through this madness. I see kids already acting like Coronazis with their peers. It’s revolting.
    Oh yes may the Lord repay, may his wrath consume them all who will not repent of this insanity, everyone from the very parents to the globalist elites. May He also rebuke us born-again believers for not standing how we should have, and may He give us strength not to compromise any more.

    • I have talked to a dozen or so high school students in my area who are attending my old school, and they all said they cheat from each other because of the Zoom calls as teachers cannot stop them from texting and emailing answers – YET, that is. I agree too, I could not even begin to fathom being in the school system right now. I thought it was horrendous when I was there. This covid stuff blows my experiences away. I feel horrible for these children.

  • Wenatchee. Laugh or cry? I remember when these same folks were on about chicken overcrowding & cruelty. Free range chickens & fledglings. Slave cell fledgling, human beings. They’re involved in the hate & supremacy of species supremacism, after all, and they won’t even know it unless the teflon superiors teach them. Wickedness. Confusion. And the father of lies.

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