The Israeli Health Ministry recently unveiled their new “Green Pass” certificate which will give clearance to those that have been vaccinated for Covid-19 to take part in certain activities. Those that falsify their passes will be dealt with severely.

The QR-code-secured-pass was unveiled by Health Minister Yuli Edelstein, Ministry Director-General Chezy Levy, and other health officials; but it has faced criticism due to the technology being very easy to falsify.

According to a report by The Times of Israel, Street-front shops, malls, markets, museums, and libraries will be open to all Israelis. But only those who have been vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 will be able to use gyms and pools, attend sporting and culture events, and stay at hotels.

To be allowed to open Sunday, relevant businesses must undertake to scan for the pass and only accept those carrying it.

Israel has recently loosened its Covid lockdown restrictions and allowing certatin stores to reopen at specific capacities.

Started on February 21st, there are three ways for those eligible to obtain a Green Pass:

  1. Downloading the Traffic Light (Ramzor) app on Google Play or the Apple App Store, entering personal details and getting the pass on one’s phone.
  2. Signing up on the Health Ministry website and downloading a printable personal document.
  3. Calling the Health Ministry’s hotline at *5400 and having the pass sent by email or fax.

The vaccinated and recovered will be able to enter gyms, events, hotels, and synagogues that are registered under the Green Pass certificate from Sunday. This is how the first stage will look in the return to your almost normal lives.

Yuli Edelstein

Edelstein still reaffirmed that citizens need to continue to wear masks, even those that have received both vaccines.

It is also reported a black market for forged Green Passes have started on Telegram. Over 100,000 users have joined groups that offer these passes for a price.

Those who think this a game and print a vaccination certificate without being vaccinated will be caught and their activities may end with them in jail.

Yuli Edelstein

Edelstein, however, also said this:

There will be no forced vaccination in Israel; those who choose not to be vaccinated — it is their choice. [There] won’t be any personal sanctions against those who do not vaccinate.

Deputy Attorney General Raz Nizri explained that employers could require one, but those demands must be “justified.”

Nizri opposes any sort of blanket ban on employers conditioning their workers’ continued employment on their immunization from the coronavirus.

It is not possible to establish a blanket ban on employers in these contexts (of the obligation to vaccinate), and at the same time it is not possible to establish a general requirement to be vaccinated without examining and establishing the justification of the requirement, and examining its proportionality, meaning of refusal, etc.

Cybersecurity expert Ran Bar-Zik explains that these passes are very easy to forge and falsify.

[It is] easy, with a graphics program, to change the text on the pass, but the QR code is what looks scary and hard to forge, no? Actually, this is very easy.

Whoever scans the false pass will see the exact same details as are printed on the pass, and there are already tens of thousands of people forging it.

According to the report, A [February 16th] survey of Israelis who have not vaccinated found that 41 percent said they fear possible side effects, 30% are not sure the vaccine is effective, 27% will vaccinate soon, 10% cited information on social media and 4% said the incentives are insufficient. Respondents were allowed to give more than one answer.

For more information, read the full story here.


[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

This Green Pass of course is not the mark of the beast, but this is the first real “prototype.” The Jews used to be the ones beaten and pushed around by the Nazis, now they have become the Coronazis.

Israel is the first of many to come as many nations all across the globe are developing some sort of immunity pass; some with greater levels of resistance than others.

These passes are not mandatory, yet, but how long before they will be? But the way the governments, like Israel, are incentivizing its people by dangling the carrot and saying “do you want some of your freedoms back?” And those that refuse it have even less freedoms and could face their termination at their place of work.

Even though there is resistance and hesitation, there are simply not enough people standing up against the draconian overreach. As long as there is ambiguity in the minds of the masses, that is all that is needed for the governments to pinch down on the brainwashed and propagandized people.

Take note also that just like Fauci and the other mafia mobsters, the Israeli government is still telling the vaccinated to wear a mask. As I have noted in other reports, beyond the continued oppression, the tracking and AI scanning systems are not fully operational yet; so it seems the governments are buying more time until those systems are ready. As soon as the integrations are complete, the media will announce it is safe to remove the masks and then quickly thrust the people into the next “new normal” – priming and prepping for the mark of the beast system.

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