The WinePress has been reporting about “The Great Reset” the global elites, media, politicians, economists, health officials, religious figures, and so on, have been openly pushing for. A great reset is what they want, and they are certainly getting it. The World Economic Forum has released an upbeat video explaining, in their own words, what this great reset looks like.

Three articles in particular that have detailed and explained some of the implications and real goals of the lockdowns: to crash the economies, eradicate the middle class, insert new digital currencies, build and push the populations into the AI ran smart cities, and so much more. You can learn more about this in our reports, “Is There A “V-Shaped Recovery?,”” “The REAL Reason Sweden Did Not Lockdown,” and “Agenda 2030: You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy.

We have explained more of this in great detail across many other articles, but those three explain where things are and where they are headed.

The WinePress will continue to preach that Covid-19 has nothing to do with a virus, but everything else to do with what I stated above.

The deception and manipulation, brainwashing, and propaganda has gotten so bad, the “elites” can fly in the faces of the masses what they are doing, and there is not a single thing we the people can do to stop it. This again is done through very tactful and deceitful propaganda, as I say, “Look here, look here, don’t look there.” This is the Hegelian Dialectic at work. Problem. Reaction. Solution.


The World Economic Forum has released a video describing, in their own words, what exactly The Great Reset is. They indirectly tell the viewers what is happening, and these vile leaders do not even care if the masses know anymore.


There are somethings I’d like to point out in this video.

In under 30 seconds the video tells us that the plandemic demonstrates “that when we need to, we can act rapidly and restructure our lives.” Notice how THEY do not have to restructure their lives. We “the peasants” have to adjust and accept their tyranny and draconian oppression. THEY shut the economies down, NOT the “pandemic” that has been radically overblown.

Seconds later the UN Secretary General Guterres says “nature needs a bailout.” This is precisely what the VATICAN and Pope Francis have advocated for. THEY are the ones that have orchestrated this global shutdown, claiming the world needs a “sabbath.” Do not lose sight, reader, that the Vatican, Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17-18) run the show here: the bankers, media, and political figures are just pawns that are subservient to Roman Catholicism. It is easy to forget that, even me, but as the old saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome.”

Going back to the Davos 2021 video, immediately after hearing the propaganda from the UN Secretary General, the Secretary General of the OCED says we “can’t go back to the status quo that we had before simply because it was the status quo that got us here.” No, the “status quo” did not get us ‘here’ (economic collapse, draconian tyranny, police state, poverty): forcibly shutting down the economy did.

Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

Jeremiah 6:16

Then the forum tells us that “we” can reshape the world. What they really mean is “rules for thee and not for me.” Problem. Reaction. Solution. ‘We brought the nations to their knees, and know you, the “peasant,” will reshape and rebuild your enslavement.’

At a minute in, they propagandize the viewer by saying “many are calling for a great reset.” No they are not. The less than 1% are, sure, but not the masses – not by a long shot.

But immediately following that, the Forum is practically trolling the viewer. They themselves call it “buzzword bingo, masking some nefarious plan for world domination.” As they say this, they have a picture of a newspaper headline that says “Global Elite’s Plan Your Future.” They are so bold they are openly telling you what they are doing.

If you enlarge the video and read the text, and is claiming that Trump stands in the way of the Great Reset, and the Biden administration and those on the left are looking to destroy America. This is precisely the propaganda tactics the conservative-patriot media outlets, along with Qanon and Evangelical-Charismatic organizations have been pushing. This is confirms that what The WinePress has been saying is true: that that narrative is designed to pull attention away from what is really going on. It is the Hegelian Dialectic on full display. Problem. Reaction. Solution. “Look here, look here, don’t look there.” This is why we warn are readers about the deception with things like Mike Lindell’s “Absolute Proof” of voter fraud. It is designed to get the masses’ attention and motivations centered on the wrong thing, while maintaining enough kernels of truth.

And to further validate that these “blue vs. red” tactics are at hand, not too much longer later in the video, a picture is displayed of the many global leaders and figures, that, by and large, many people have some sort of distain for. Ivanka Trump is one of those pictured there, proving that “it’s one big club, you ain’t in it.” It is a giant smokescreen: they are all secretly best friends off camera, just like the WWE.

At 1:07 mark, they spin another newspaper report that says “‘hands up’ – this slogan hasn’t gone down well.” This carries dual meaning. The one perspective is “you (the viewer) caught us (the globalists) in the act.” The other perspective is to say “hands up – you are under arrest for not obeying and submitting to this new great reset.”

If you do not believe me, what proceeds then is an image of a billboard that says “THE GREAT RESET;” and then a pair of glasses overlaid the billboard and it says “OBEY.” That is precisely what this is: a great reset where the ruling class make the rules, and you are the slave working on the giant plantation of oppression.

[8] They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily. [9] They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth. [10] Therefore his people return hither: and waters of a full cup are wrung out to them. [11] And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High? [12] Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches.

Psalm 73:8-12

The leaders and figures of this world are telling you what they plan to do, and they do not even care if you know; because they know the people are too preoccupied with the smokescreens they set up, the entertainment designed to enslave and unknowingly push their agenda whether you are on the far right or the far left. This is why The WinePress is neither, nor will it ever align itself with political parties and figureheads.

Seconds later into the video the people at the Forum openly call themselves global leaders and that the masses have become so disenfranchised with leadership they accuse the government of conspiracy. To which they respond, “But the worlds’ not that simple.” But in truth, it is that simple, and they know it. But as we have pointed out, it matters not if you know what they are doing because they know you are powerless and more then likely too busy fighting the wrong things. This is why The WinePress will continue to rebuke this propaganda and the right versus left paradigm.

At 1:45 into the video, an aforementioned picture of some of the most untrustworthy and hated political figures are thrown in our faces of people we need to trust. Then they acknowledge this by saying “even those you may not like,” as a hand holding a smart phone that says “ACCOUNT SUSPENDED.” This signifies that if you don’t accept and agree with this new paradigm, then you will be censored. This is I what I said the subsequent result of the continued Qanon and election fraud push will bring: so there is further confirmation on that prediction.

At the 2:27 mark they discuss how the ultra wealthy were the ones that have benefitted. This very accurate, but they are again waiving it in the masses faces that that is only who will continue to benefit. Remember at the start of the video it is us that have to adjust, not them.

The rich man’s wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.

Proverbs 10:15

Agenda 2030, another aspect of the Great Reset, is designed make autonomous smart cities where “you’ll own nothing and be happy;” while it is the rich that sit on their throne of gold they openly robbed from the people.

The last main point I want to note is how they boldly say that Capitalism is dead. And they are right. This is how the bigs got bigger. The tax breaks, bailouts, and stimulus signed in by the government, specifically targeting the destruction of the middle class, has caused the wealthiest of the wealthiest to exponentially grow their wealth and control. Now they want “stakeholder capitalism,” which is a nice way of saying, based off how they described it, communism.

We explained in our study about the Black Horse of Revelation that fascism and communism will be the driving economic philosophies being used during the time of Jacob’s trouble. We are seeing it being utilized right now. The lockdowns utilize the fascist aspect: now comes the communistic push.

This is the Great Reset for you. And, unfortunately (or perhaps not), you will have to adjust what is already underway and will not be stopped. Christians, myself included, have become Laodecian and very lukewarm (Rev 13:14-22). Instead of being diligent, vigilant, and fearful of the Lord’s immense power and glory; we have become complacent, lackadaisical, and slothful. This has been a massive wakeup call for many of us and displayed how much we’ve had it made. I am adjusting and I am preparing myself for the days to come, as I have no intention of being part of this major shift that is ominously around the bend. May the Lord’s will may be accomplished in your life as in mine.

[14] Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. [15] See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, [16] Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. [17] Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. [18] And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; [19] Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; [20] Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; [21] Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Ephesians 5:14-21
[1] To the chief Musician upon Jonath-elem-rechokim, Michtam of David, when the Philistines took him in Gath. Be merciful unto me, O God: for man would swallow me up; he fighting daily oppresseth me. [2] Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for they be many that fight against me, O thou most High. [3] What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. [4] In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. [5] Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil. [6] They gather themselves together, they hide themselves, they mark my steps, when they wait for my soul. [7] Shall they escape by iniquity? in thine anger cast down the people, O God. [8] Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book? [9] When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me. [10] In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word. [11] In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. [12] Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee. [13] For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?

Psalm 56:1-13

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  • There is a ‘solution’ being promoted against the surveillance & data mining monopolies by groups like Mercola & the alternate health, libertarian types that is supposed to decentralize the internet & make it less vulnerable to utter corporatist takeover. Tim Berners-Lee is involved, and there are actually a couple of different approaches to decentralization as far as I understand it. I confess that I don’t have the savvy about these things to judge whether it would improve things or take us from the frying pan into the fire, and none of these people are Christians. Perhaps you and other readers do.

  • Any suggestions as to what we need to do in order not to starve? It almost feels too late to start trying to grow your own food. However, I did buy a bunch of heirloom seeds but I have no garden beds or knowledge of how to grow food.

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