The WinePress has repeatedly warned about the wave of federally funded propaganda that would be bombarding us. Some of the main forms of the propaganda have been the thousands of mutant strains, and the push for multiple masks by the media. Some had said two, but then that quickly evolved to three, and then four.
Anthony Fauci has also been very wishy-washy on the double masking. One minute he was for it, then kind of against it, then right back to recommending the practice. He also reminded the masses that the CDC was looking into this recommendation.
Just yesterday, The WinePress noted how the CDC quietly changed some of the guidance on masking that completely contradicts their previous update.
The CDC is now subtly recommending the use of multiple masks at once.
According to their official recommendation:
Two important ways to make sure your mask works the best it can:
Make sure your mask fits snugly against your face. Gaps can let air with respiratory droplets leak in and out around the edges of the masklite icon
Pick a mask with layers to keep your respiratory droplets in and others’ out. A mask with layers will stop more respiratory droplets getting inside your mask or escaping from your mask if you are sick.
Choose a mask with a Nose Wire
- A nose wire is a metal strip along the top of the mask
- Nose wires prevent air from leaking out of the top of the mask.
- Bend the nose wire over your nose to fit close to your face.
Use a Mask Fitter or Brace
- Use a mask fitter or brace over a disposable mask or a cloth mask to prevent air from leaking around the edges of the mask.
Check that it Fits Snugly over your nose, mouth, and chin
- Check for gaps by cupping your hands around the outside edges of the mask.
- Make sure no air is flowing from the area near your eyes or from the sides of the mask.
- If the mask has a good fit, you will feel warm air come through the front of the mask and may be able to see the mask material move in and out with each breath.
Add Layers of material
2 ways to layer
- Use a cloth mask that has multiple layers of fabric.
- Wear one disposable mask underneath a cloth mask.
- The second mask should push the edges of the inner mask against your face.
Make sure you can see and breathe easily
Knot and Tuck ear loops of a 3-ply mask
- Knot the ear loops of a 3-ply face mask where they join the edge of the mask
- Fold and tuck the unneeded material under the edges
- For video instructions, see:
Do Not:
Combine two disposable masks
- Disposable masks are not designed to fit tightly and wearing more than one will not improve fit.
Combine a KN95 mask with any other mask.
- Only use one KN95 mask at a time.

This isn’t science based at all. They are just making this nonsense up as they go. It is absolutely absurd, but that goes without saying.
All this is, is propaganda. Of course double masking will “add more layers for defense and protection;” it will also suffocate you in the process. It’s difficult to breathe with one mask: now they recommend two?!
Not happening. I have yet to even wear a simple bandanna.
But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value.
Job 13:4
I remember going for work last summer. I had to go to a local walk-in clinic for some pre-employment testing. No mention of needing a mask there, but they had them IF you wanted them, so I passed. My blood pressure was relatively normal.
I had to then to go to our physical rehabilitation place for more tests and those dumb masks WERE required there, so I just did it so I could get this done for my job. Surprise, my blood pressure was a bit HIGH after having to wear that mouth rag there! I also had to wear a mask when I went in to do my job paperwork to begin and again when I got fired, so that’s three times I wore the stupid things. I shouldn’t have, but how do you resist when you’re supposed to work, according to Scripture? I haven’t worn a slave diaper in about 5 1/2 months, though, even though it seems EVERYONE is wearing the darned things! *eye roll*