UPDATE: 2/10: If you have not read the initial report, please do so to get some better context.
As I noted in the initial report, the core of why the media is having a hay-day with Qanon, is they need something to bash to further the divide and push for censorship. Qanon is absurd, and if you read the original report, then you saw just some of the proof as to why. Qanon is deceptive because they do give out a lot of evidence and support for corruption within the media, government, etc. And once they suck you in with all the irrefutable facts, then they start to plant all the crazy Trump stuff in there, and how everything he does has a meaning – as he is playing “4-D” chess, and that there is this military shadow government working to overthrow this deep state cabal.
It’s nonsense, and the media loves it. This is why stations like CNN especially having been going crazy with reporting on Qanon.
In this update report, less than 24 hours from the original post time, the media is doing exactly as I said they would. The fabricated and brainwashing media then takes the crazy and capitalizes on it.
In this video released by High Impact Flix, a YouTube channel, the content creator, Brian, comedically shows the insanity of how the media puts a spin of the propaganda. CNN interviews a delusional former advocate of Qanon, and the station uses her embellished testimony to demonize those associated with Q and Trump, and anything in between. This aids the agenda to further censor speech – eventually going beyond social media, but all of the internet and physical world.
The WinePress does not endorse this channel, but the video does a great job of comedically pointing out the rhetoric from the media.
The WinePress has already covered the Qanon conspiracy, and how it is nothing more than a psy-op to brainwash those that are too foolish to believe it. We have also briefly discussed some of the “election fraud” we keep hearing from the far-right and conservative outlets.
After Biden’s inauguration on January 20th, Qanon, the Charismatic “prophets” and “apostles” that prophesied that Trump would be President have been completely demolished; and those people utterly faced embarrassment.
But when you lie as frequent, and as bad as they did, then the only response is to keep this going. Yes, there are still thousands and thousands all over the world that are still saying this is all part of the plan, and Trump and the shadow government are still working to take down this “cabal” and “deep state.”
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This report has been formatted differently than our standard posts due to the nature of this subject. When I say that I am mentally (and physically) exhausted, I am not lying. Qanon is so asinine, it just makes my whole body whipped and depleted of energy – it makes me want to lay around and nap all day like a sloth. I watch and read up on this stuff because I want to know what these people say, how they said it, when it was said – from the horse’s mouth and no commentary from others. I want to know this stuff so I can personally understand what a particular position believes, so I know how to answer this stuff if I encounter it; especially if my readers or others I deal with start falling for this, though, this stuff is so mentally psychotic and it’s almost hard to believe people actually take this garbage as gospel truth. Hopefully this report will cut through the propaganda for you.
Pillow Propaganda
Mike Lindell, the owner and CEO of My Pillow has become the new “fall guy” and media whipping post of recent date. Mike Lindell’s personal and business Twitter accounts, along with other social media accounts, have scrubbed him. Stores have also been cutting ties with My Pillow as well, largely due in part to his exuberant support for former President Trump.
Last week, Lindell got all of the mainstream media’s attention when he was interviewed by Newsmax, a conservative media outlet that is supportive of Trump. Lindell was discussing the scrubbing of his accounts, and he explained it was because he holds “100%” evidence of voter fraud due to the now-infamous Dominion voter machines that counted the votes. The media hosts immediately interrupted him and read off this prepared statement about the voting machines. The interview was staged to make Lindell look like a blubbering fool spouting conspiracies. Eventually the host actually gets up and walked off. Mainstream media and the internet have all joined in, in this “pillow fight” to demonize Lindell.
But now Mike Lindell has made even further media waves and controversy. Released on February 5th, Lindell released an almost two hour video detailing all of this election fraud, bringing in multiple experts who detail the lapses of information.
You can watch the video here.
The video is laced with ominous and emotional music throughout when Lindell and other guests are sharing information.
I have only watched about 30 minutes of it, as I simply do not have time to spend on this diversion.
The program has been repeatedly aired on One America Nation (OAN), a cable network news broadcasting station.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
There should be a major red flag being waived when you hear this stuff: If Lindell has “100%” proof of election fraud, why are we hearing about it weeks after the inauguration…? See what I am saying? It’s all propaganda. It’s a giant smokescreen. “Look here, look here – don’t look there!” This is what I was inferring to in our report about the voting fraud being tracked back to Rome (which was mentioned in Lindell’s program as well).
Have you been noticing that the mainstream media has been pushing this narrative that the elections are fair and honest, and how we need to uphold “democracy?” This is what Lindell’s propaganda is. They want you to think that the elections are indeed legitimate, but this one was stolen and manipulated. This is the Hegelian Dialectic at work. It is counter opposition that furthers the true agenda. The media wants you to think that the elections are real. So they create propaganda for those on the “left,” and for those on the “right.” This keeps both sides neutralized, and causes the masses to focus and fight the wrong things; meanwhile, our freedoms continually get raped in broad daylight, but the masses never seem to notice it. And by the time they do, it is already too late, and the media has something else to keep the viewers preoccupied with.
We explained all this, and how it works, in our report detailing the patent information for televisions, and how they are designed to mind control the viewer.
Words of wisdom: If a news report (or anything for that matter) comes across the television screen, then there is some sort narrative, agenda, paradigm, and lack of the complete truth involved.
The Feds and IRS continually grow in power. Inflation continually grows. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. The military industrial complex grows while the people have less and less to defend themselves with. The little guy continually gets taxed to infinity. The debts and deficits continually grow. Broken promises left and right. And on, and on, and on. The night before Trump left office, he undid legislation to allow politicians to openly lobby again. Is that part of the “power play?” Is this “draining the swam?” And that is just one example.
And again, was there election fraud? Sure, no kidding – just like all the previous elections before this most recent one. The WinePress has documented just a drop in the bucket of the nonsense Donald Trump has said and done; as with Biden as well. So what if the elections are “legit?” So now we have the ability to continue legitimately participating in an illegitimate system??
But that is part of the media propaganda: they want you to think that it is all legit: they just have different ways of spinning it. One side says the other side is crazy and conspiracists; the other side calls them crazy and liars.
All of this leads up to the final “endgame” solution: MORE CENSORSHIP. Mark it down and remember it: these shenanigans with the media and Lindell (and more subsequent events to follow) will cause more censorship to occur. The WinePress calls Lindell the “fall guy,” because they, the media, can use this guy as the face of conspiracy, and use him to be the face of every Trump supporter and “evangelical” “Christian” – who needs to be silenced and deplatformed. The reaction out of the far right is to then respond by wanting the left silenced in a similar fashion. Result: more censorship. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
It should also be noted that Lindell is very big in the Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation movements. Lindell can be seen on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) and Victory channel. If you know anything at all about these networks, not a single person on there are legitimate. These people are some of the biggest liars out there, and make hundreds of millions robbing their congregations in broad daylight, because the people love it that way (2 Tim 4:2-4; Jer 5:25-31). Victory channel openly endorses Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, Jesse Duplantis, Creflo Dollar, Jerry Savelle, Andrew Wommack, and others. I have documented some of the most blasphemous things they have said in my books, “The Lord of Glory” and “The Romans 10 Controversy.” Anyone associated with them are liars to the highest degree.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’d also like to point out how the My Pillow is a total scam. I have never used it, but from what I have seen from reviews, it is literally CHOPPED UP MEMORY FOAM. So you would be paying $60 for pieces for cut up memory foam. It is no better than any other ordinary pillow out there. So I am not surprised that it is a scam, especially noting his connections with the Word of Faith movements.
It is also interesting to note that Paula White, Trump’s spiritual advisor, is another very high ranking figure in the apostolic movement. She is by far one of the worst of them out there. Funny how it all connects.
If you are not familiar with the incredibly dangerous movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation, it is essentially Pentecostal and Charismatic teachings on steroids. One of their teachings is they believe that man has to takeover 7 pillars (mountains) of society, and that man brings in the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. It’s blasphemy to say the least, but it ties into the next part of this report.

While all this drama is going on, Qanon continually keeps the lies going. Lies that are so absurd it is just laughable; but also sickening and depressing as to how many people ACTUALLY take this as gospel truth.
The mainstream media has decided to run stories about them again (surprise surprise) to create more of a ruckus. Now Qanon is saying that Donald Trump will be sworn in as President on March 4th. Yes, they actually propagate that.
The WinePress has already reported on how one of the figureheads of the movement is a Jesuit-trained, and has met with Trump in the White House. And yet some of the Q websites “expose” the Jesuit order, even though one of their own (and I guarantee there are more) are Jesuits.
For those who have never seen a “Q drop,” you have to check this out – just to see it to believe it. These drops can be found on places such as 4Chan, Q associated websites, places like BitChute and many other alternative social media platforms, and other places on the dark web.
This drop was provided on February 5th, the same day Lindell’s “Absolute Proof” video was released. This is provided by a man by the name of Charlie Ward, one of the individuals who help pass on this ridiculous nonsense.
Ward reads off this snippet of information that was sent to him, that he claims he has verified with two other individuals who are “in the know.” I am not going to highlight everything he says (watch and laugh for yourself), but realize a LOT of people believe this nonsense.
It’s done. Deep State collapses. The Best is coming NOW.
The official announcement of martial law and a legitimate military government, in effect since 12:00 AM on January 20, 2021, was made on January 29 at 6:00 PM EST (11:00 PM GMT).
The official announcement of Biden’s arrest along with 355 congressmen and 109 senators (464 elected) on January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:25 PM EST (10:35 PM GMT – 11:35 PM Amsterdam/Brussels/Paris).
These announcements were made on the dates and hours above to all American media (televisions, radios and national newspapers) and to all world news outlets.
As expected by the legitimate military government that runs America, as well as Trump and Qforce, this official information was 100% censored by all official world media.
The US military government knew this and wanted it that way.
As with Biden and his party’s coup d’état, the legitimate US government is allowing the US media to commit widespread treason by having them censor the legitimate governments about measures of national security and immediate danger to American nation.
The Illuminati media of the 4th Reich have all fallen into a trap.
Now the legitimate military government can take over (provisional) control of all such terrorist media whenever it wants, as dictated by law and the US Constitution.
The US military government will take control (by force) of all official media (radios, televisions, newspapers) across the United States this Friday, February 5 at 6:00 pm EST (11:00 pm GMT or midnight in Amsterdam/Brussels/Paris).
This includes the acquisition of all the US channels on the broadcast satellites that broadcast live in Europe.
This also means that all Europeans with a satellite reception antenna who recieve US channel can no longer be censored and will therefore find out the truth from Friday evening February 5, 2021.
Among other things, the US military will be obliged to broadcast on all these American mass media revelations about Biden’s coup d’état, his arrest with elected officials on Sunday, January 24 and Monday, January 25.
Finally, on February 12, the US military government will officially (evidence submitted to all world governments and to the press internationally) publish all evidence of the conspiracy committed by the French, Chinese and other governments to create a false global epidemic, to overthrow the US government.
This is by ruining its economy and by destroying the entire world economy.
It is an act of war that gives, among other things, the legitimate right of the US government to overthrow the Macron government and any other terrorist government.
PS. Please don’t bother me who my sources are. You don’t have to believe it. Do your own research;)
The acid trip continues on, but you get the idea here. This is the supposed next part of the plan. I think it is very clear, there is zero proof of any of this malarkey whatsoever. Days have already passed, and NONE of this crap has even come remotely close to happening. Not only that, these morons have no idea how many representatives and senators we have: it is 435 congressmen and 100 senators. But these people are absolutely so deluded and illiterate, they apparently believe there are 109 senators!
But don’t you just love that last little contingency he gives? ‘Don’t question my sources, do your own research, even though the evidence is classified data that you can’t find elsewhere.’ It’s maddening! And yet this is garbage these people believe. Even though these pale, beer-bellied, black-hooded, Cretans who make this stuff up in their basement cookhouse – continually are proven to be liars, week in and week out, and thousands and thousands continually tune in for more!
What is also interesting to note is that Qanon also believes in a coming thousand years of peace that is brought in by man. They even use the term “great awakening,” a term that is commonly used in the apostolic circles. It is rather curious some of the overlap between these groups.
Perhaps you have been seeing reports from mainstream media that far left politicians and supporters have been calling for the “reeducation” of these evangelical Trump supporters. Because of the subtle similarities of Q and the NAR, the radical leftists almost seamlessly combine the two.
As I said before, this is more of the “look here, look here; not there!” hocus pocus act again. All this attention will just lead to more censorship. Many of these same Qanon groups and followers are sharing Lindell’s video all over the internet.
And on top of all that, the military-police state we have been reporting on, can now be spun another direction. The leftist media would claim it’s for protection from the “terrorists;” and the right (Qanon) types will make this draconian military presence seem like it is this military taking over to remove the deep state, or something crazy like that. Either way, the military state is here to stay: the true agenda is pushed again.
Lies Upon Lies
So why do people still continually support this nonsense repeatedly? The word of God explains why.
A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
Proverbs 18:2
These types of people have no interest in the truth. In the continued acceptance for absurdities, it reveals they are liars.
A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.
Proverbs 17:4
A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.
Proverbs 26:28
There is a saying that goes something like this: “you can’t con a sucker unless he himself is crooked.” These people that repeatedly fall for this nonsense loves lies. They love lies, therefore, they continually get lied to. But as they continually bite the hand that feeds them, they eventually get burned so bad they fall into deep fury and depression only for the cycle to repeat itself. They love lies. They love telling lies. They love being told lies. They love lying to themselves.
In short, I am doing this report because I am continually hit with this junk constantly. I want to thoroughly expose it to reveal the TRUE narratives at play. As far as I am concerned, I wish not to waste any more time on this stuff. It is truly exhausting, and I am almost falling asleep typing this. Stop believing the nonsense!
[11] And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. [12] For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. [13] But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. [14] Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. [15] See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, [16] Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.Ephesians 5:11-16
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Pillow fight.