According to a report by Reuters, Sweden plans to have a Covid “vaccine passport,” under the assumption there is an international standard in place for the document by then, according to the government.

When Sweden and countries around us start to open up our societies again, vaccination certificates are likely to be required for travel and possibly for taking part in other activities.

Anders Ygeman. Swedish digitalisation minister

Denmark also announced on February 3rd they will be launching a first version of a coronavirus vaccine passport by the end of the month.

Prototype Mark Of The Beast

Information compiled by Traveler Insider reveals the various international companies that are testing, and designing prototypes for vaccine passports, and data collection modules.

Here are some of the names of the prototypes to familiarize yourself with, what each program/company does, and where they are being utilized:


  • A digital, secure, and portable passport that contains a copy of the individual’s medical records.
  • Information is entering into an app. A unique code is generated, and verified by a medical practitioner. A QR code is presented for verification at airports.
  • Has been tested on various routes. Plans to be further tested on routes between Paris and Abu Dhabi.


  • Developed by the World Economic Forum
  • Medical and vaccination records will be accessed through preexisting health data systems. Technology asses if results come from reputable and reliable sources. Travelers receive a unique verification code to board, or print off the code if a smartphone is not available.
  • Cathay Pacific, United Airlines, Jetblue, Lufthansa, Swiss and Virgin Atlantic – have all trialed this program.

Health Pass by Clear

  • Biometric company Clear has developed a pass in a phone app.
  • Users add an ID and selfie. They can complete a real-time Covid health survey and upload results to the app.
  • Users then use the “Clear Pod” to be temperature scanned (in participating locations). Then a QR code scan or facial recognition scan must be completed to enter.
  • 35 different industry organizations, MGM Resorts, and the 9/11 Museum has partnerships with Clear.

IATA Travel Pass

  • Mobile app that requires information needed by many authorities.
  • Pass allows authorized labs and test centers to share test and vaccination certificates with passengers. A passport is then created to be shared with airlines and authorities.
  • Etihad will guests the pass on flights to Abu Dhabi in Q1. Emirates will launch pass in April for passengers heading to Dubai. Qatar Airways will trial the app on its Doha-Istanbul route in March.

IBM Digital Health Pass

  • Digital wallet for smartphones.
  • Organizations can verify health credentials for health workers, customers, and visitors.
  • Includes Covid test results, temperature scans, and vaccine status.
  • “[Aims to] bring people back to a physical location, such as a workplace, school, stadium or airline flight.”
  • National Institutes of Health (part of the US Department of Health and Human Services) and Salesforce have signed up for trials.

The Mvine-iProov passport 

  • A partnership of a biometrics firm with a security group. Grant-funded by the U.K. government.
  • Grants the ability to register a test result or vaccination status without disclosing their identity. Medical professional administering the vaccine creates an online medical certificate via phone or tablet, and the user adds a selfie to their electronic certificate.
  • “Does not discriminate against people based on the kind of smartphone they own, and there is a route for people who do not possess smartphones – i.e. a card-based method.”
  • Being trialed by the Directors of Public Health within the NHS.


  • Digital health pass developed in partnership by Air Asia and analytics company GrayMatter.
  • App streamlines health document checks and determines flight eligibility. Passengers will be prompted to provide all necessary documents by the country’s destination – medical certificates will then be scanned and uploaded at the time of check-in. Air Asia will verify the documents in real time.
  • Already launched on routes from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, Surabaya and Jakarta.


  • Digital health passport developed by Daon.
  • App currently has over 100,000 users and has been seeing a rapid uptick in recent weeks.
  • Streamlines verification of Covid-19 tests and other health documents. Users take a selfie linked to their email. A pass in the manually created within the app.
  • Entry requirements include a detailed Covid-19 test result. They must be specific to the location.
  • Trained staff will verify information through a series of checks and ask the user for more information if they feel it is not sufficient enough. Daon is currently putting in place direct connections with lab and testing companies so that it can check the results more easily. A QR code is then scanned or presented pass provider staff member.
  • The app is in current use by British Airways and American Airlines. American Airlines stated thousands have already used the app while traveling.

Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI)

  • Developed by Microsoft, Oracle, and The Commons Project.
  • Allows to users to access their vaccination records “in a secure, verifiable and privacy-preserving way.” The coalition is developing standards for organizations administering vaccines to make credentials available in an accessible, interoperable, digital format.
  • Individuals will obtain an encrypted digital copy of their vaccination records to store in a digital wallet of their choice. VCI also said that people could receive printed QR codes with verifiable information.


[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

All of these passports are precursors to the actual mark of the beast. Covid-19 is just a front for so many agendas other than a virus. This scandemic has allowed the mark of the beast technology to explode and be accepted by a decent portion of the broad masses.

I think it is safe to say that air travel is out of the equation now. From masking, temperature checks, social distancing, invasive searches, and now required passports with all our data are a necessity.

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