Here in northern Indiana where I am writing this article, I have seen and heard military helicopters fly near the office many times after the inauguration.
But now the military industrial complex has made its next move. Tonight, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has just announced a National Terrorist Alert.
Here is what the DHS website says about this new alert:
“WASHINGTON – The Acting Secretary of Homeland Security has issued a National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin today after consultation with the intelligence community and law enforcement partners. There is currently a heightened threat environment across the United States that is likely to persist over the coming weeks. DHS does not have any information to indicate a specific, credible plot; however, violent riots have continued in recent days and we remain concerned that individuals frustrated with the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances and ideological causes fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize a broad range of ideologically-motivated actors to incite or commit violence.”
Notice how the DHS admits that they “[do] not have any information to indicate a specific, credible plot.” The WinePress has noted numerous times, that the media and government officials have provided next to no proof of supposed terrorism. But because the media says there is, then there must be.
The official bulletin alert released by the DHS says this advisory ends April 30th at 1:00 pm. Why until the end of April? Are they planning something until then?
Here are the details:
- Throughout 2020, Domestic Violent Extremists (DVEs) targeted individuals with opposing views engaged in First Amendment-protected, non-violent protest activity. DVEs motivated by a range of issues, including anger over COVID-19 restrictions, the 2020 election results, and police use of force have plotted and on occasion carried out attacks against government facilities.
- Long-standing racial and ethnic tension—including opposition to immigration—has driven DVE attacks, including a 2019 shooting in El Paso, Texas that killed 23 people.
- DHS is concerned these same drivers to violence will remain through early 2021 and some DVEs may be emboldened by the January 6, 2021 breach of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. to target elected officials and government facilities.
- DHS remains concerned that Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs) inspired by foreign terrorist groups, who committed three attacks targeting government officials in 2020, remain a threat.
- Threats of violence against critical infrastructure, including the electric, telecommunications and healthcare sectors, increased in 2020 with violent extremists citing misinformation and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 for their actions.
- DHS, as well as other Federal agencies and law enforcement partners will continue to take precautions to protect people and infrastructure across the United States.
- DHS remains committed to preventing violence and threats meant to intimidate or coerce specific populations on the basis of their religion, race, ethnicity, identity or political views.
- DHS encourages state, local, tribal, and territorial homeland security partners to continue prioritizing physical security measures, particularly around government facilities, to protect people and critical infrastructure.
Meanwhile, Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups continue their “peaceful protests” by destroying property and fighting against locals and police. But they get a free pass, and are not spreading covid – especially these deadly variants we keep hearing about. Antifa are just paid rioters by George Soros to purposefully cause destruction and chaos.
As we have been reporting since the Capitol riots occurred, it was artificed by design, regardless of who specifically did it, to instigate the “new set of rules” giving the growing police-state the opportunity to flex its muscles.
We will continue to update you on this story.
UPDATE 1/20/21 11:30 EST: With the inauguration under way, more troops, security, and draconian measures have been set up.
Buses transporting Marines have arrived in D.C.
Then a picture has surfaced of a ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) launcher being delivered in Lexington, Kentucky. Now please explain to me why ICBM launchers are being set up? All for potential riots? That is just an alibi. As we have been reporting, these riots were a planned excuse to increase the military-police state. You do not set up ICBM launchers for “riots.”

UPDATE 1/19/21 1:30 EST: With less than one day to go before the inauguration, even more troops and military presence have arrived.
In a recent report from the New York Post, an additional 750 active duty U.S. military troops have been deployed to the Capitol. These troops are reported to be apart of bomb squads and trauma medics.
The Department of Defense (DOD) also explained that some of these troops have experience with “‘extraction and decontamination operations’ – following attacks with chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological and explosive weapons.”
These additional troops are on top of the already 2,000 active duty soldiers deployed there.
There is also a video circulating where the Chief of the National Guard Bureau said that he was visiting with some of the over 65,000 troops deployed at the Capitol in D.C., and across the nation ordered to secure the capitols in the states, and helping with Operation Warp Speed (OWS).
Also at the Capitol, new towers are being erected and placed on side walks across the city, which appear to be sonar/radio wave towers for crowd control. These types of weaponry emit high frequencies that will “disable” an individual and subdue them easily. Some of which can harness 5G capabilities. There have been similar weapons that have been appearing on Humvees that utilize heat ray technology as well.
There are reports of more heavily armored vehicles at the Ohio capitol.
UPDATE 1/18/21 4:00 EST: A video is beginning to quietly circulate showing a National Guard captain saying that the Washington D.C. mission was planned in advance. This confirms what The WinePress was saying the moment the riots occurred: they were all by design to instigate the “new set of rules,” where the government has an alibi to justify their draconian overreach.
At the Capitol in D.C., a small convoy of unmarked vans and tinted-out windows were seen last night. As to who they are, what they have, and so on, cannot be determined at this time; but it is weird nonetheless.
Then in Michigan, forces are building as well, but it seems to be peaceful at the moment.

UPDATE: 1/17/21 2:00 EST: As America is just days away from Joe Biden becoming the 46th President of the Divided Sates of America, the military presecence at the Capitol, and many other places around the country continue to grow.
Even more military forces have arrived to fortify the Capitol in D.C. Now there are additional roadblocks and checkpoints being established.
Meanwhile, in other parts of the country, some videos have emerged from California showing a military presence there. Several days ago a video was posted showing tanks being transported down a Californian railway. Then just yesterday, reports of military vehicles driving down the streets of the capitol city Sacramento.
Then in Michigan, the National Guard has been fortifying the Capitol in Lansing, with Humvees and 50-caliber machine guns. Governor Gretchen Whitmer made it a law a few days ago that you cannot bring weapons into the Capitol building. Previously you could and is what happened in the summer when militia groups protested Whitmer’s tyranny.
Despite all of this, there are actually militia groups that are coming out of the woodworks now, and plan to “protest” on the 20th. This group known as the “Boogaloo Boys” have been spotted in Michigan and Ohio. This article kind of explains who they are, though the article says they are “white supremacists” – which I am not sure if that is legitimate, or just leftist propaganda.

Whoever they are, what this really is are a bunch of useful idiots and government operatives to help further the “new set of rules” we have been reporting on.
UPDATE: 1/13/21 4:40 EST: More clips are being shared of the growing military presence all over the nation. These clips are directly associated with the nation’s Capitol building. A shipment of rifles were delivered, and the ammo is reported to be lethal. The clips also show curfew warnings that are played at night warning any that are caught out and about, will be taken down. The clips also show streets surrounding the Capitol are being blocked off and troops marching and patrolling the surrounding area.
The mainstream news media is now pushing more fear and anxiety over rumors of protests in the coming days.
The media is claiming that there are rumors that there could be violent riots at all 50 state capitals in America starting on Saturday the 16th. No evidence of this has been cited.
This is all happening while Congress is pushing for President Trump to be removed from office for inciting violence and an insurrection. They want enact the 25th Amendment of the Constitution, but Vice President Pence has said he is not interested in that. So it seems the second attempt to impeach Trump will fail. Trump will officially no longer be the President in seven days.
Military Industrial Complex Growing
Because of the fears of coming riots, the mainstream media has been silent about the military being mobilized all around the country.
Videos and posts are being shared around on social media platforms of the U.S. military mobilizing troops with riot gear, heavy vehicles, FEMA trailers, helicopters, and other supplies. There is also a strong military presence in D.C.
Here are some of those clips. We do apologize for some profanity.
As The WinePress has been reporting, the rioting at the Capitol was all by design to allow the “new set of rules” to be implemented. Now the government, media, and military industrial complex, have an alibi in which they can justify the military patrolling the streets. Just a few days ago I saw what appeared to be a Blackhawk helicopter flying near overhead.
Will there be riots in the coming days? I cannot say for sure, but I would not be surprised in the least bit if there are riots. But whether there are or not, the military will now be more present wherever we go because they now have to keep a watchful eye over the “terrorists.”
To say that all 50 state Capitols are going to be rioted is total propaganda. There is zero evidence provided to much such claims. But the greatest control and propaganda mechanism is fear. If the media, politicians, doctors, military, and so on, can get the masses on edge even just a bit: they got them right where they want them.
Regardless of what happens, the riots will not be coming to an end this year, and will no doubt increase. Because of this, we continually advocate WinePress readers to stay prepared and in close fellowship with the Lord. Things are going to get ugly.
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
Proverbs 29:25
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When I was passing through Arizona on the I-40 west approximately a couple of weeks ago, I saw a flatbed going turtle speed hauling a tank in the same direction… What do they need that for?
Good grief. They are just building up the police state in broad daylight and no one even notices or cares.
Yep, they’re too busy looking down at their phones.
The militia folks are disavowing the Boogaloo Bois thing & saying no one knows who either they or another group msm has been talking about: Liberty Boys, even are. Organized militia groups have been issuing public warnings urging their people to stay home & out of the way, talking about FBI/CIA false flags like the highly suspect Capital ‘breach’ where police were taking down barricades & ushering people in, with Antifa egging people on & even a CNN/NPR reporter embedded with them.
The things that Brannon Howse and Worldview Weekend have been speaking of with military and federal agency whistleblowers on agency abuses & corruption, China/Russia/Iran collusion & meddling, the club K car container missile thing, the NSA & federal agency going rogue are being floated as the real reason for the military buildup, along with a supposed intercept of Chinese communications that has top pentagon brass that may not be pro-Trump at all falling into line realizing their fate if a Democrat/Chinese power structure comes in. TheAmericanReport website where journalist Mary Fanning, Alan Jones and General McInerny and former NSA contractor Dennis Montgomery reported has been taken down.
Pragmatists all, the top military and psych specialists aren’t even trusted by the rank and file soldiers, and their loyalties are suspected….but they’d still rather see the fake printed money thrown their way than to the corrupt Democrat feral cities & states, and to live free themselves another day. I think that you are right about the dialectic merging thing: Drucker, Warren and those guys called it ‘Communitarianism’. The social justice crowd and nicolaitans, the Augustinians are all leaning into that….and though they are not spot on biblically or King James, the Worldview folks have separated from the McArthur and Piper crowd over those things. Such a mess and confusion until you line it up with scripture & then you can really see it. Many are deceived by the either/or dialectic, not realizing both are ditches & craft, and that for all their apparent diversity, they all connect back in some form to the whore of Rome which is the head of the thing. A lot of antisemitism in the various groups, too, or the wrong kind of loving the Jews such as Trump is part of. All this talk of a big revival and salvation of America is troubling. Today, Monday, 1/18/21, it was reported that Paula White was called in to the White House: spiritual witchcraft and political marching orders from Rome no doubt. So many cults and Catholics involved in all of this at the highest levels. Worldview Weekend had Gen. Vallely on and he has co-written books with the open Satanist Colonel Michael Aquino, both specializing in military psychological operations. There’s another general’s widow with a group like that in Arizona: she’s an alternative med md & claims to get direction from him yet.
FEMA has been activated, a camp in Maryland in particular, and there are regular military being deployed as well, specializing in nuclear, chemical, emp, biological, medical & trauma, & a number of things.
Retired military are nervous, as well as those with ties to China & this particular election fraud. Doesn’t make sense concentrating that big a presence in one place. Another Pearl Harbor? 9-11? Legitimate intel on something concerning China heading world communist terrorist strike on the capital?
An excuse to blame the impending crash on something other than elitist plan with players both sides of the aisle? Ways to avoid insurance payouts? All of the above? Catherine Austin Fitts who is a former assistant housing secretary on the federal level, blackballed since she saw the housing bubble coming & tried to warn, not being in on the fact it was a planned, wealth-transferring event….. did an interesting interview which Joe Mercola put up last week. She stated that things are not quite yet in place for the planned reset, involving the overarching satellite system (think Space Force Guardians) & the powers that be are trying to play out the dollar & keep a lid on things until it is: that we live in a little window of flux & opportunity, and shouldn’t aid and abet Project Warpspeed or any of the concentrations of power & monopolies. Jewish born, I believe, some sort of new age god of forces worshipper now.
For the redeemed, resisting, avoiding, separating from those things is always a constant, and Brother Bryan’s recent teaching on the subtlety of it all is timely. It’s a time to get out the Gospel & to be a help where we can, pointing people to the Bible foretelling all these things as people are being shaken & tried by these things, questioning. I don’t like to use the word awakened in any of its forms because of how it’s been co-opted by antichrist spiritism and philosophy, but 1 Thessalonians 5 and 2 Thessalonians 2.
Many, many things are being discussed, but most of the ‘conservative’ label are urging people to be ready for power outages & disruptions in communications, food shipment etc. Wise to be prepared in any event & regardless of the intent of the crafty and occulted powers behind the scenes. And regardless of what happens & what figurehead gets propped up on January 20th. What a world. I believe God is merciful to open our eyes to just how wicked it really is.
Forgot to mention: there’s a fellow with a website/youtube vlog called Monkey Werx US who tracks & reports on military & federal aviation activities…those which aren’t blacked out, a couple times a week. Our intel agencies are divided & there are many whistleblowers/resisters to the transformation of America there & in special operations military personnel, a lot of professing new age ecumenical religiosity leaning into pre-Vatican II Romanism, though little sign of real revival. They watch for unusual & nonroutine flights in and out of remote prison locations like Guantanamo & Iceland, as well as other general traffic.
There’s been a lot of flight activity & what they call ‘sniffers’, helos equipped with sensors for biologics, chemical, nuclear etc the past week or two.
You can sometimes get an idea how much is moving behind the scenes by the number of squawking refuelers up. He’s pretty brief & its a useful indicator. There are reportedly Patriot missile pods for missile interception, and at least one fighter squadron called up to DC. Talk is tightening up, less banter, more sobriety. Something’s up.