A mega bubble that is getting bigger and bigger as the days pass on.

If you have been reading our reports, then you know the economies all across the world are in massive trouble, specifically in America. WinePress readers know that the mainstream media and analysts continually lie and suppress the state of the true economy. We also mentioned that, citing predictions from the Trends Journal, the media would slowly start to pull back the curtain a bit on the state of the economy. The media is now starting to do that with the Biden (Harris) administration at the helm.

WinePress readers are aware that the American economy is in freefall. The stock market has no semblance of reality: if it did, it would be down 5,000 points or some extreme number. The worse the real economy performs (the middle class), and the more artificial currency is printed, the market will continue to reach all-time record highs.

The WinePress has explained that what we are seeing is nowhere remotely close as to how bad it will get in the time to come. Right now, the markets are in a colossal bubble that far surpasses the bubbles of the Great Recession. More specifically, the housing market will implode on such an epic scale – the devastation will be impossible to return from.

This report will delve a little more deeper into this crash.

This report will be providing a video by economist Neil McCoy-Ward. This is the same man who filmed the excellent videos reading diaries from the Great Depression. If you have not read that report, we highly advise you check that out.

McCoy-Ward in his latest video forecast discussing the stock market bubble, echoes the same sentiment The WinePress has been saying from the start. McCoy-Ward does a great job breaking down some of the data, better than perhaps The WinePress currently can, so we recommend dedicating some time to watch it.

We do, however, put a caveat on this video recommendation. Like most economists and financial advisers that are out of “the system,” they tend to invest and advocate the purchases of gold, silver, other precious metals, and cryptos. We do not recommend this, and we have an article explaining from the scriptures why investing into gold and silver is unwise decision.

With all of that in mind, we hope the video will help you better know what is going on, what signs to look for, and how to prepare for what is coming.

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