Berners-Lee is currently working on a new startup that he hopes one day will supersede the current internet.
His new startup is called “Inrupt” – to fix the problems that have plagued his original creation, that was supposed to be open for all, but things such as Facebook have handicapped this.
Inrupt builds off of ideas developed by the software project called Solid.
In the interview with Reuters, Inrupt promises a web where people can use a single sign-on for any service and personal data is stored in “pods,” or personal online data stores, controlled by the user.
People are fed up with the lack of controls, the silos.
Tim Berners-Lee
Berners-Lee said this will be a new and updated web that will enable the kind of person-to-person sharing and collaboration that has helped make the big social media services so successful while leaving the user in control.
According to Inrupt’s CEO John Bruce, Britain’s National Health Service, the BBC, and the government of Flanders in Belgium, have been signed up to be pilot customers. The company hopes to announce more partners in April.
Some of Inrupt’s investors include Hearst Ventures, Octopus Ventures and Akamai, an internet content delivery firm.
Bruce says the NHS pilot is to address the ‘long-standing problem of incompatible medical records.’ He says this could allow NHS to give everyone “a holistic presentation of your medical history,” with various doctors and other service providers able to update that record even as it remains in the users control.
The use cases are so broad, it’s like a do-over for the web.
Tim Berners-Lee
I have heard the rumors from some for many years now, that a new internet could replace the current system we have now. This very well could be that rumored project. It has been warned that there would come a day where there is a massive internet blackout and in the wake of the chaos, a new system would emerge that would essentially wipe the slate clean – or at least clean of information ‘they’ do not want available.
Post your thoughts in the comments below.
If and when this new system is integrated and replaces the old one, the same process of control and censorship will occur just as it is now. Do not buy into the hype.
I could see this type of technology being integrated with the antichrist’s mark of the beast system.
[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.Revelation 13:16-18
Also, that Berners-Lee man has some serious devils in him, or something, because his sporadic and spastic motions were quite odd and disturbing to me.
What is also interesting to note is that Berners-Lee was an independent contractor for CERN in Switzerland. There is a whole can of worms surrounding CERN, so I will not digress, but I have things I wish to discuss in later articles about CERN and its ties with Bible prophecy. Take a look at CERN’s logo: it contains three 6’s.

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Great article brother Jacob. He indeed have got some serious devils inside.
Tim Berners-Lee: wikipedia entry:
Berners-Lee was raised as an Anglican, but he turned away from religion in his youth. After he became a parent, he became a Unitarian Universalist (UU).[82] When asked whether he believes in God, he stated: “Not in the sense of most people, I’m atheist and Unitarian Universalist.”[83]
Unitarian are Freemasons (satanist) – it is an offshoot of the Babylon Catholic whore – which directly worships Satan at its inner and highest core. With the outer circle of drunken fools thinking themselves to be Christians.
Cern is 666. I doubt if he created the www – its just tagged onto him, since he is in the club of liars and deceivers – more likely created by a group of amateur enthusiasts of people around the world – this fact is born out in many banned hacking books – which state those blots of software are STILL running the internet and without them it would not exist. To say this man did all that is the another mason has landed on the moon lie.