First it was Coke, now it is this delicious treat.

Recent reports reveal that large batches of Chinese ice cream are contaminated with Covid-19.

Tianjin Daqiaodao Food Company is the producer of this contaminated ice cream.

[The products] have been sealed and contained after the samples it sent to the municipal center for disease control this week tested positive for coronavirus, according to Sky News.

The Associated Press says that the less than 30,000 cartons in the batch were not sold yet, according to the government. 390 were sold, and those cartons are being tracked down and authorities in the surrounding area were notified.

Chinese officials believe that almost 4,836 cartons were contaminated. 2,089 were sealed away in storage.

The Tianjin Daqiaodao Food Company’s 1,662 employees have been ordered to quarantine and underwent nucleic acid testing on Thursday.

The tainted ingredients are believed to be milk powder from New Zealand and whey powder from Ukraine.

Virologist Dr. Stephen Green says that the virus was able to survive because of the cold temperatures and fat in the ice cream.

We probably don’t need to panic that every bit of ice cream is suddenly going to be contaminated with coronavirus.

It’s likely this has come from a person, and without knowing the details, I think this is probably a one-off.

Of course, any level of contamination is not acceptable and always a cause for concern, but the chances are that this is the result of an issue with the production plant and potentially down to hygiene at the factory.


That’s right everyone, “we probably don’t need to panic” because they are making this stuff up. I mean, give me a break.

We have already reported on how a can of Coca-Cola tested positive, so it should surprise no one that ice cream is a “deadly carrier.” This validates the evidence that Covid-19 is not even remotely close to being a deadly disease.

They are just recycling old propaganda. They told us from the get go that covid-19 can be found on all surfaces, and then doubled back and said they do not. Now it seems they are reverting back to the original lie.

The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble… they quickly forget… all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas.

Mein Kampf

What you should focus on is the fact that all those that bought a carton of ice cream are tracked down. This may be one of the new ways they can invade people’s lives even more. Simply just say a product has Covid, and then perform a “search and destroy” operation. Be on the lookout for that.

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  • They quickly jump the gun on “contaminated ice cream” and want to track down every single one of them but on the other hand they take it veeeery easy with a Coke giving a positive.

    If this whole nonsense was true and they were really concerned about health they would also shut down Coca-Cola temporarily and track down the cokes right? It’s not that Coca-Cola is a multinational that moves billions a year and that is destroying people’s health with their poison anyways or anything, oh no, I’m sure that’s not why…

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