UPDATE 1/15/21: Soon to be President of the United States, Joe Biden unveiled his new $1.9 trillion dollar relief proposal.

Biden unveiled his plan yesterday in a thirty-minute speech where he proclaimed, “We have to act and we have to act now.”

Bloomberg summarized his speech by saying, “Biden’s speech had the flavor of a shorter and more concise State of the Union address, focused of course on the pandemic and economic recovery. He laid out a number of goals and some plans yet basically set broad goals — and asked Congress to foot the big price-tag to achieve them.”

The proposal is divided up into a few segments. $400 billion will go to Covid management, $1 trillion in direct relief spending, and $440 billion for communities and businesses. This proposal also includes minimum wage be raised to $15, and further expanded unemployment benefits.

Provided by ZeroHedge, here is a more precise breakdown of where the money printing is going:

Stimulus Checks

The plan includes a central promise of Democrats: boosting direct payments to individuals to $1,400 for most Americans, on top of the $600 that Congress approved in December. This brings the total amount to $2000, the amount Democrats and President Trump pushed for.

The plan would also allow residents who are married to undocumented residents to receive stimulus payments — who were barred in prior rounds.

Vaccinations, Testing

Biden’s plan includes $20 billion to create a national vaccine distribution program that would offer free shots to all U.S. residents regardless of immigration status.

The plan calls for creating community vaccination centers and deploying mobile units in hard-to-reach areas. Biden is also calling for $50 billion to ramp up testing efforts, including purchasing rapid-result tests, expanding lab capacity and helping local jurisdictions implement testing regimens.

State Aid

Biden is pushing for $350 billion in funding assistance for state, local and territorial governments plus $20 billion for public transit systems.

Democrats for months have pushed for more money to help state and local governments that have faced higher costs and lower tax revenue during the pandemic. States and cities warn they’ll be forced to make deep cuts to public health, safety and education programs without more funding, because they can’t borrow money in the way the federal government can.

Many Republicans have chafed at more money for local governments, however, saying it amounts to a bailout for mismanaged government budgets.

Unemployment Insurance

Biden’s plan would extend and expand unemployment benefits that are scheduled to run out in mid-March. The proposal increases a weekly federal benefit to $400 from $300 and extends it through the end of September.

It also extends benefits for self-employed individuals and gig workers, and those who have exhausted their regular jobless benefits.

Minimum Wage

Biden is calling to more than double the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour from $7.25, a proposal that could alienate Republicans. In addition, he seeks to end the tipped minimum wage used widely by restaurants and the hospitality industry. At $2.13 an hour, it gives lower minimums to employees that get tips.

Paid Leave

The Biden plan would create a requirement for employers, regardless of size, to offer paid sick leave during the pandemic to workers — a change that the transition team says will extend the benefit to 106 million workers. Parents and family members caring for sick relatives or out-of-school children could receive more than 14 weeks of paid sick and family leave.

The plan would provide benefits of up to $1,400 per week and tax credits for employers with fewer than 500 employees to reimburse them for the cost of the leave.

Tax Credits, Childcare

Biden would expand tax credits for low- and middle- income families and make them refundable for 2021. He is proposing to expand the child tax credit to $3,000 from $2,000 for each child 17 and younger. Children under age six would be eligible for $3,600.

Biden is also requesting $25 billion for a stabilization fund to help open child-care centers and $15 billion in grants to support essential workers in meeting childcare costs.


The plan is also calling for $170 billion to help schools to open — something Biden has said would allow many parents, especially women, to rejoin the labor force after they dropped out to care for children learning at home.

About $130 billion would go to K-12 schools to help them hire additional staff to reduce class size, modify spaces and purchase resources to help meet students’ academic and mental health needs. The plan would also direct $35 billion to colleges and universities and create a $5 billion fund for governors to direct help to schools most hard-hit by the virus.

Rental Assistance

The proposal would extend the eviction and foreclosure moratorium through September. It would also provide $30 billion to help low-income households who have lost jobs pay rent and utility bills. The plan would also provide $5 billion to states and localities to offer emergency housing for families facing homelessness.

Small Businesses

Biden is proposing to leverage $35 billion in government funds into $175 billion in low-interest loans to finance small businesses. He is also calling for $15 billion in grants for such employers. He is proposing to use laid-off restaurant workers to partner with federal nutrition programs to get those employees working again.

The report provided by ZeroHedge also had this to say,

Of course, since none of the above addresses the primary reason for the destruction of the US middle class, namely the Fed and its moneyprinting abilities, nothing proposed by Biden will have any effect on US society besides a brief sugar high. Once that wears off, the polarization, the wealth and income divide, and the class hatred, will be even worse.


In the short span of less than a year, assuming this bill proposal passes, the Biden and Trump administrations will have printed over $8.1 trillion dollars in the name of stimulus relief packages – brought upon us by a plandemic. Trillions are being tossed around like it is nothing. To put in perspective how much Monopoly money has and is being printed – if you were to take Elon Musk (the richest man in the world with $185 billion net worth), and divide his wealth by the $8.1T in total money printing thus far, you would get over 44 Musks’ that could be “purchased!”

I am not going to commentate on everything listed. I am not surprised at the garbage that has been proposed, but it just beyond frustrating to see it. Of course, most of this will no doubt get passed. The peasants will get their additional $1,400 ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ checks, that will be consumed just as quickly as the first two checks of $1,200 and $600 were consumed.

But to give a quick overview of some of the nonsense in this proposal,

Not surprisingly, Biden wants to shell out millions to people who are not even registered and legal citizens, juice them up to the gills with all kinds of benefits, and the actual hardworking taxpayer gets snubbed again and again.

We also warned in previous reports that the Biden administration would dump more money into the Covid-19 vaccines a lot of people do not want or highly skeptical about getting one.

The extension of unemployment benefits also made my stomach squirm. Again, I am not surprised, but just sickened. So now we are paying people to stay home and do nothing. These $400 extensions, that go all the way into September, will do nothing but barely pay for groceries and basic necessities. In this proposal were to be signed immediately, for the sake of discussion, and the benefits began to kick in the first week of February, that would be 33 weeks totaling somewhere around $13,200; which does not include state benefits. Times that by just 1 million people, and that comes out be $13.2 billion. So now we will have millions being paid to do nothing and not incentivized to ever return to work, and living under the poverty level; while the bigs continue to get richer.

The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.

Proverbs 12:24

That proverb describes one of the massive problems in this country: the people are lazy, deaf, dumb, and stupid. Now people will be paid to sit around and do nothing, but as long as they get food in their bellies, they will be submissive, and then thumb their noses at those who are not lazy and actually work hard to earn a living.

Don’t even get me started on the schooling fiasco. Just more useless money and boondoggling.

And then the drop in the bucket set aside for small businesses will just go to more of the corporations and people who never needed aid to begin with – just like the last two stimulus packages we have reported on.

Time will tell if all the things listed get passed, but America is so screwed. All this money printing it just further kicking the can down the road, delaying the inevitable.

I really hope you have been preparing, because things WILL be getting even worse soon.

UPDATE 1/13/21: Now that Democrats will have control of the House and Senate, the soon to be Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will turn attention to getting more stimulus checks sent out.

Schumer and Democrats will focus on getting additional $2000 checks sent out to Americans. Democrats were advocating for larger checks in the last stimulus package, and President Trump even sided with them on the motion to increase the check amount. This of course was blocked by McConnell and a Republican controlled Senate.

Schumer and Biden are also looking to increase more spending on vaccine distribution and awareness, and increased funding for states that need additional relief.


I have said in previous reports that under a Biden administration, and Democrat controlled House and Senate, we are guaranteed to see more debt and money printing than the brain can even fathom.

Prior to the election results in November, U.S. Debt Clock.org was projecting the United States in 2024, at current rates, to be over $47 trillion in debt. Now adjusted for 2025, they currently are forecasting the debt will be over $49 trillion!

So in the span of 4 years, it is projected America will have almost doubled its astronomical debt! Money printing and debt creation under a second term of the Trump administration would have still occurred, but more slowly and perhaps more subtly than a Biden administration, that, all it wants to do is print money into infinity.

WinePress readers already know what is going to happen when these $2000 checks are distributed: consumed on useless toys just like the first checks.

Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.

Proverbs 13:11

I am also reporting on this because of the notable emphasis the Biden administration wants to give more funding to vaccine distribution and propaganda. I reported just yesterday how the Trump administration signed off on more funding for vaccine awareness; and now Biden’s administration seeks to do even more of that. I mention this because I seek to give readers an advanced warning of the coming wave of propaganda that will be everywhere we turn; and so therefore, you must be aware of it and defy the lies.

UPDATE 1/1/21: McConnell blocked $2000 checks from being passed. More bureaucratic bungling as usual. Just as Congress has done all year, the government will continue to dangle the carrot of these $2000 checks, just as they did for 8 months of more stimulus people were begging for. Everyone knows these $600 checks are a slap in the face to the American taxpayer, but with Trump signing in the package, it allows the government to sweat out the people some more – making the people even more dependent on the government. It’s all by design.

The President continues to tweet that Americans still should get $2000. Even if $2000 checks are eventually passed down the road, it will not help anyone. To break it down: the first stimulus was released on April 17, 2020. That was 259 days ago at the time of this update. The average American earns $164/day. Divide $2000/259 days, that leaves $7.72. That is a $157 shortfall. $2000 is just kicking the can down the road, and it leaves the people further in servitude to the government.

The Senate has also overruled Trump’s veto of the military spending bill. The Senate voted 81-13 to override the veto of $740 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

[The bill] fails to include critical national security measures, includes provisions that fail to respect our veterans and our military’s history, and contradicts efforts by my Administration to put America first in our national security and foreign policy actions.

President Trump

This is the first time in Trump’s presidency that one of his vetoes has been overruled. He has vetoed 8 others up to this point.

This bill authorizes over $740 billion in military programs and construction, as well as 3% pay raises for US troops. It also contains a provision to rename military bases named after Confederate generals. According to ZeroHedge, the bill limits the president’s ability to use emergency military construction funds for other purposes. It also restricts employees or former employees from the military-industrial complex to work directly for the Chinese government or government-controlled companies.

The repeal of Section 230 has also been neglected. This means the social media companies can now continue to essentially censor the crud out of its users. I think we all knew that was never going to repealed.

All in all, this is standard operating procedure for our useless government: it’s a lose-lose situation for Americans.

UPDATE: 12/29/20 11:10pm: Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has announced tonight that the $600 stimulus checks will begin to ship by tomorrow, and direct deposits will begin tonight.

Those that are eligible will be receiving $600 or $1200 for married couples, and $600 for each qualifying child.

Generally, if you have adjusted gross income for 2019 up to $75,000 for individuals and up to $150,000 for married couples filing joint returns and surviving spouses, you will receive the full amount.

The payment is reduced if your income is over that.

You can check the status of the checks here.

Treasury and the IRS are working with unprecedented speed to issue a second round of Economic Impact Payments to eligible Americans and their families. These payments are an integral part of our commitment to providing vital additional economic relief to the American people during this unprecedented time.

Steve Mnuchin

UPDATE 12/28/20 10:00pm: Congress’ vote to increase the stimulus checks of $600 to $2000 has passed. The vote was 275-134. 44 Republicans voted for it along with almost all Democrats. There are now calling it the CASH Act.

Now it will go to the Senate where it will more than likely fail to pass.

A few hours before this vote, the US Treasury Department said they will begin to ship $600 checks by the end of the week.

The House also voted to overrule Trump’s veto of the military spending. Many reports were already saying it was a done-deal before it was even voted upon because the bill was essentially “veto-proofed” where the majority in the house could overturn it. The final vote was 322-87. 109 Republicans voted to overrule Trump, while 20 Democrats voted to sustain Trump’s veto.

Reports from ZeroHedge are saying that the $740 million bill “includes pay raises for America’s soldiers, improvements in body armor for women, coronavirus relief, military housing improvements and boosted sexual harassment prevention and response measures, among other items. It has passed both chambers of Congress for 59 years straight with strong bipartisan support.”

On Sunday night President Trump signed the $900 billion relief bill that he previously called a disgrace. This is includes the $1.4 trillion in federal spending, and the $696 military spending going to the Pentagon that originally was supposed to be vetoed by the President. This brings us back to the original total of $2.3 trillion.

Because of this, the stock market responded accordingly and shot up even higher and is poised for higher gains.

Signing the bill prevented a government shutdown that would have occurred at midnight tonight.

As it stands, Americans will be receiving $600 stimulus checks, with some caveats attached to it, so not everyone will be getting a check just like the CARES Act.

However, today Congress will vote on increasing the stimulus amount to the $2000 President Trump has advocated for. He also wants each child to receive $600 according to a tweet by Judd Deere, Deputy Press Secretary for the White House.

Deere also tweeted that this means that a family of four would receive $5200.

Trump has sent a “redlined” version of the bill breaking down each item and a formal rescission request insisting all “wasteful items” be removed.

However, Nita M. Lowey (D-NY), House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman, said that the Democratic majority plan to reject his rescission request.

In a statement, she said,

President Trump has indicated that he will now send a rescissions package to Congress that aims to reverse funding his own administration requested and undo the careful bipartisan agreement he has just signed. The House Appropriations Committee has jurisdiction over rescissions, and our Democratic Majority will reject any rescissions submitted by President Trump. By turning the page on this request, we will allow the Biden-Harris Administration to begin to Build Back Better.

Fox News reports that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell applauded President Trump’s decision to “get hundreds of billions of dollars of crucial COVID-19 relief out the door and into the hands of American families as quickly as possible.”

The bipartisan rescue package that Republicans in Congress and the Trump administration negotiated with the Democrats will extend another major lifeline to workers at struggling small businesses, renew major relief for laid-off Americans, invest billions more in vaccine distribution, send cash directly to households, and more. The compromise bill is not perfect, but it will do an enormous amount of good for struggling Kentuckians and Americans across the country who need help now.

Mitch McConnell

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was also happy with the President’s actions, calling it “welcome news for the fourteen million Americans who just lost the lifeline of unemployment benefits on Christmas Weekend, and for the millions more struggling to stay afloat during this historic pandemic and economic crisis.”

This relief legislation is a down payment on what is needed to crush the virus, put money in the pockets of the American people and honor our heroes – our health care workers, first responders, transit and sanitation workers and teachers. We need to ensure robust support for state and local government to distribute and administer a vaccine, keep workers employed and prevent devastating service cuts – and we must do so as soon as possible.

[Trump] must immediately call on Congressional Republicans to end their obstruction and to join him and Democrats in support of our stand-alone legislation to increase direct payment checks to $2,000.

Every Republican vote against this bill is a vote to deny the financial hardship that families face and to deny the American people the relief they need.

Nancy Pelosi

Congress will also be reviewing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This shields social media companies from liability related to third party content on their platforms, will be “reviewed and either be terminated or substantially reformed.”

The House and Senate have also agreed to launch an investigation into potential voter fraud in the presidential election.

The WinePress will continue to update you with what transpires with these checks.


I had made two emphatic points when I reported on when Congress initially passed the stimulus deal and when Trump refused to sign it: Trump and the rest of the government does NOT have your best interest.

I showed this video in both articles, but I will show it again. Watch Trump sign the CARES Act in. Watch as he and all the criminals around him heckle with glee as $6.2 trillion was signed with plenty of “pork” in it. Do not forget that these people do not care about you. It is all a giant game.

They are so arrogant they cannot even get the bill name correct!

I am not surprised in the slightest bit that Trump signed the bill in, and you should not be either.

So now all those things that Trump called a “disgrace” and “pork” have been signed in. As I keep saying, they do not have your best interest. I do NOT the endorse comedian George Carlin (as he was a filthy atheist), but he has some great quotes concerning politics:

It’s one big club, and you ain’t in it.

Allow me to explain how this whole **** works:

1. The poor work and work

2. The rich exploit the poor

3. The police protect the rich

4. The taxpayer pays for all 3

5. The voter votes for all 4

6. The banker robs all 5

7. The lawyer misleads all 6

8. The doctor bills all 7

9. The undertaker buries all 8

10. The politician lives happily because of all of it.

Are you surprised the “pork” and boondoggling was signed? I’m not. I would have been surprised if it wasn’t signed in.

If you are a Trump supporter, understand that I do not hate you or anything remotely of the sort: I just love you enough to tell you the truth. Are his actions apart of the
“4-D chess” he is playing? Is this “draining the swamp?” I am being sarcastic because I am trying to reach some of you out there and get you to release that you must get yourself out of “the matrix,” and release that these people are the enemies of the American people. This is why some of my posts seem to target him more when it comes to things such as this. Why? Because I know there are well-meaning people out there that have been deceived by him. He is NOT an outsider: he HAS been an insider. Period.

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Galatians 4:16

As for the checks, we will see what happens in Congress and Senate. We all saw how long it took for this deal to come together (8 months): how long will this take?

If the checks increase to $2000, the bill will only getter bigger, and even more debt and cheap money will be printed inflating it some more.

Just as with the first round of checks, it will take a long time for many Americans to even get theirs. $1.4 billion was sent to dead people the first time around. There were reports of pets getting checks, too. The same will occur yet again whether they are $600 or $2000.

And when these checks arrive, most of the money will be consumed, just like last time, on dumb stuff.

Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.

Proverbs 13:11

It is one thing if the money is spent paying off debt or stocking up on supplies in order to protect oneself and survive; but we all saw what most people did with the checks when they got them: leased a new vehicle, new flatscreen, video games, new smartphone, kitchen remodel, etc. That is what will happen again. The King James Bible accurately prophesied that the people in the last days people would be covetous (2 Tim 3:1-8, 13). Instead of saving the money or actually putting it to good use, it is spent on the dumbest stuff ever. Americans are spoiled rotten. Buying that car, house, purse, watch, shoes, phone, are all status symbols to boast about, another sign of the end times: lovers of their own selves, proud, boasters, unthankful, etc.

[1] This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. [2] For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, [3] Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, [4] Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; [5] Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. [13] But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13

As for the PPP loans, I covered those more in my previous reports, so please check those out. The little guy will not get the help that he actually needs; and if he or she does, it only means further enslavement to the government.

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Proverbs 22:7

I will update everyone on what transpires. It is clear: the nuts are running the nuthouse. Share your thoughts below.

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