Today President Trump gave a 5 minute speech released on the official White House YouTube Channel.


Allow me to address some points that will probably go completely unnoticed by mainstream and smaller news outlets.

Around the 3 minute mark, Trump of course condemns the violence that occurred at the Capitol. He then talks about the potential threat of more riots all over the country in the coming days. The WinePress has been reporting on this new propaganda that is being spread, and documented the military’s spread and mobilization all over the country. Remember: the media has not presented a SINGLE piece of evidence showing that there will be riots in all 50 Capitols, let alone any capitol. But because the “fake news media” said there will be, then it gives a ‘suitable’ alibi to justify the police state invading more of our lives.

But then Trump said this:

I have directed federal agencies to use all necessary resources, to maintain order.

I guarantee you many of the Conservative, pro-Trump, and prophecy teaching outlets will ignore that statement. How do you suppose he is going to do that? As we said what would happen the day the Capitol riots broke out (regardless of who did it), it would instigate the “new set of rules.” This will allow the government to perform and enact some sort of a “Proto-Patriot Act 2.0” in order to maintain “law and order.” Now this means the government and military industrial complex will become more prevalent in all of our lives, so they can root out the rioters and maintain “peace.”

When Trump said what he said, he is really saying the American people have lost even more freedoms then we have already lost. It’s all a giant sham, and as I have said numerous times already, he is not your friend, and does not have your best interest in mind.

Moving onto the another point of his speech, Trump implies what we all need to peacefully get along. And doing so, we need to focus on getting the “miracle vaccines” delivered, and to defeat the “pandemic.” So here we go again, Trump is touting the Covid vaccines that many people do not even want. And yet there are still millions of Trump supporters that are so willingly ignorant to the fact that Trump has been pushing the vaccines on scores of occasions this year. These “miracle vaccines” are causing various deaths and major health effects, and Operation Warp Speed (OWS), which was created under Trump and has his administration’s name written all over it, will be tracking vaccine recipients with precise accuracy.

He then immediately follows up by saying [we need to focus on] “rebuilding the economy.” Talk about a 180 degree flip! The WinePress has documented some of the times Trump and his constituents have said we are in a “v-shaped recovery,” and how we are adding jobs, low unemployment, stock market going up like a “rocket ship.” It was total lies and deceit.

The Trends Journal had forecast back in the fall of 2020 that after the elections were over, the media, politicians, and economists would slowly start to pull the curtain back on just how bad the economy REALLY is. Trump literally just admitted, with that little statement, that the economy is not doing well. So he just got caught in another big lie!

This leads to bit of a rabbit trail, but one I feel is important to at least mention.

Let Them Eat Cake!

According to Wikipedia, this phrase is a “traditional translation of the French phrase “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”, spoken in the 17th or 18th century by “a great princess” upon learning that the peasants had no bread. This phrase is more accurately translated as “Let them eat brioche”, as the original French phrase refers not to cake (gâteau) but brioche, a bread enriched with butter and eggs, considered a luxury food at the time. The quotation is taken to reflect either the princess’s frivolous disregard for the starving peasants or her poor understanding of their plight.”

In mid-July of 2020, Ivanka Trump, with support of Donald, released a new campaign telling unemployed Americans to “Find Something New.”

This campaign was immediately blasted upon arrival, and rightfully so. The campaign created a website where people could basically research new career opportunities and look to receive training for these jobs. But of course, the training for these new jobs and environments could take years to accomplish, it does not guarantee a job nor an interview.

This campaign was essentially dead upon arrival, and the ad campaign did not last too long after its initial release. It is also intriguing to note that it was not too long after the utter failure of this campaign, the narrative switched to ‘everything is improving.’

Telling unemployed Americans to “find something new” after that same administration HAD THE ENTIRE COUNTRY COME TO A COMPLETE STANDSTILL AND ADVOCATED LOCKDOWNS, epitomizes the phrase “let them eat cake” – especially when it comes from a rich daddy’s girl who has not had to scrap for a job once in her life, and gave daddy a call for a check whenever she wanted to do something.

But I am going down this rabbit trail to remind readers that these evil and corrupt people are frauds and liars who do not care about you. Unfortunately, the sad reality out there, is, if you have been unemployed, or risk losing it all, you will have to find something new. I do not like it anymore than you do, but this is the hand of cards we have been dealt – all in the name of a SCANDEMIC that is not even remotely close to being a threat. This is why it is crucial to pay attention to current and future trends in order to capitalize on the opportunity.

But as The WinePress has reported, it was all planned and deliberate – as the president of the St. Louis Federal Reserve said it was. Covid-19 has nothing to do with a virus: everything to do with the greatest wealth transfer the world has ever seen.

To tie it all back in with Trump’s speech he gave, Trump and his administration knew full and well that the economy was a disaster, but that was not the narrative. This is why “Find Something New” dive bombed because of the way it was pitched, and it does not sell the illusion things are getting better. So it was not surprising when the propaganda shifted towards keeping the masses in the dark; and now they are subtly pulling back that curtain as to what is REALLY going on.

The clowns are running the carnival.

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