The popular social media app Parler, which was largely used by Conservatives and Trump supporters, has been removed.

The Google Play Store was the first to remove the app, and then the Apple Store did that soon after. Then this morning, many who used the platform awoke to find that the whole entire program is at this moment completely inaccessible.

Parler’s app was relying on Amazon’s web-hosting services in order to operate.

On Saturday, Parler was informed by Amazon that they would be shutdown from their servers for not moderating their content, which violated their terms and services.

That same Saturday morning, the Amazon Employees For Climate Justice Twitter page was pressing for the company to remove Parler from their services.

To be more specific, the removal of Parler was largely due in part to many Trump supporters planning the riot and terrorist attacks on there. It should be noted, however, mainstream news reporting on this has not provided actual quotations, posts, videos, documents, etc, that explicitly show why Parler was removed.

An article released by the Atlantic Council also notes and singles out that many of these “far-right groups” also congregate on MeWe, Zello, Telegram. Nothing has happened to those platforms as of yet.

Now Parler is in the process of finding a new hosting server. This may take time, however. The question also remains if a hosting server will be willing to pick it up, as, whoever does, will no doubt face very heavy scrutiny, blackballing, and potentially litigation of their own.

I wanted to send everyone on Parler an update. We will likely be down longer than expected. This is not due to software restrictions – we have our software and everyone’s data ready to go. Rather it’s Amazon’s, Google’s, and Apple’s, statements to the press about dropping our access has caused most of our other vendors to drop their support for us as well. And most people with enough servers to host us have shut their doors to us. We will update everyone and update the press when we are back online.

Parler is my final stand on the internet. I won’t be making an account on any [other] social [media account]. Parler is my home. See you all soon 👋

John Matze. CEO of Parler

It is also interesting to note that another “social talking app” by the name of Parlor (spelled with an “o”), has seen a large number of downloads in the recent weeks, according to liberal-biased website Mashable.


When the chaos at the Capitol occurred, The WinePress cautiously and discreetly alerted its readers that those actions were all by design. It matters not who stormed the Capitol – whether it was furious far-right Trump supporters, or Antifa rioters that were bussed in and dressing up as Trump supporters – what does matter is that this was a planned and deliberate act to allow “new rules” to be instigated. President Trump knew well and good what he was doing, and now this puts a Biden (Harris) administration in the driver’s seat (along with a Democrat controlled House and Senate), to mandate even more tyrannical laws – which Trump supporters will place all blame on Biden and company.

Right now, President Trump has again been banned from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat and a plethora of social media sights and platforms heavily affiliated with him. These would include places like Reddit, Twitch, TikTok, Shopify, Discord, Pinterest, and Stripe. So now the President is banned from sharing his pot-roast recipes on Pinterest and gaming “Let’s Plays” on Twitch and Discord. Give me a break.

These ballistic bans are again all by design to sell the deceit. Again we ask, “Who is more powerful?” Some social media platform, or the Commander in Chief who has access to the nuclear codes? As I have shown previously, Trump is just playing the role that he has to. The WinePress has also documented that after platforms such as Twitter said that Trump was banned indefinitely, it was not much long after that Trump made a couple more tweets, to then being banned again. That tells me the government, in some fashion, was in communication with Twitter making them lift the suspensions, and then allowed them to enforce it again.

The WinePress also believes that the shutdown of Parler is by design, furthering the goal to “ignite the right” into a frenzy. Perhaps I am reading too much into this, but I find it peculiar that for a conservative app to be utilizing Amazon’s systems like they did is odd. Maybe that is an overstretch, but that just seems really odd to me.

Whatever the case may be, censorship is going to get even worse in 2021 and years following. The crackdown on free speech has accelerated even more now. As I have said before, the time will come when the internet overloads “clean house” and do a “hard factory reset:” like when a computer has a hard-to-erase virus in it. And that “virus” is anyone that dares question the new paradigm – whether you are conservative, liberal, or anything under the sun, as long as you bow and submit to the new paradigm.

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