In 2020 an awful propaganda movie was released. In a year when most people are scared out of their minds of the “invisible enemy,” and have been quarantined and led around like cattle – then this garbage film comes along.

So what is “Songbird” about? The general premise is that Covid-19 has mutated into Covid-23. Yep, that is correct: they are attempting to scare people into another coronavirus, which could potentially be more predictive programming of what is to come.

In this film, marital law is taken to a new extreme. Now it is total totalitarian takeover. Many of the things displayed in this film are giving, in some ways, foreshadowing for the coming mark of the beast system.

[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I have not seen the entire film, nor do I ever intend on doing so. However, the clips that I have seen depict a dystopian future that is just outright freaky: and this is putting it lightly.

In this film, Covid-23 is of course more deadly, but also overhyped as well, but it does not stop the police-state from invading everyone’s lives. In order to “return to life and freedom,” you have to get an immunity wristband that has to be scanned to validate the correct information – to see if you are “immune.” (The governments right now are discussing immunity passes).

Citizens are forced to get on their smart phones each day and get facial scans to determine if they test positive for the virus. If they do not, they go on about their daily lives (that is limited and controlled). If the people fail or do not take the test on time, a Hazmat police force breaks into the house, removes the infected patient, and dumps that person in a “Q Zone” (a ghetto of sorts) where the people are left to die. People who are not even infected get thrown in there all the time. This includes breaking curfew laws and other things.

When packages are delivered, they must go through some sort of cleansing system before the recipient can get the package, for fear of spreading of the virus. It is the “contactless pickup/delivery,’ but with mandatory sanitization before being able to receive the package.

There is a whole lot garbage packed into this one film. It is better for you the reader to just watch some of these clips yourself to better understand this insane propaganda and fear tactics. Also keep in mind the coming mark of the beast system, and how the things depicted in this film give some potential hints as to what might happen when the antichrist arrives on the scene and mandates his mark. (Rev 13:16-18).

The first clip is a compilation of the insanity of this dystopian world, and the other is a secular review and plot overview with spoilers. I will warn in advance there is profanity and a couple of brief nudity scenes.

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1 Comment

  • Writing in April of 2021, with the MI vaccinated covid positives & deaths article spurring. I could be wrong about this, but I am coming to believe they are setting us up for an extreme dialectic shift. Very similar to what they did in nazi Germany. It’s just so obvious. Too obvious. They’re pushing for crisis bigger than just America, though free America is a target they need to neutralize & draw in by some means. Something weird is going on with the reporting at on this whole covid issue. They are publishing things that contradict or which make no sense when earlier published facts and testimony are taken into consideration. There’s been a noticeable shift in the reporting there, & I suspect elsewhere. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– They are pushing confusion, and for a reaction, something moving even moderate Democrats & leftists into unity…..a unity which the Antichrist could so easily come to head, as Trump did, as the hero and man of the hour, but I believe the next one will be a Pope. A Pope who counters Francis (who alienates the hard liner works religionist, religion of Man humanist Catholics…and Daughters, works religionist, religion of Man humanist Jews, alike), yet still keeps the globalist aspects while drawing in the nations to a coalition much like the UN. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————As I watch the ‘sides’ coalescing, it really looks like the Ezekiel 38 / Psalm 83 groupings taking shape. I am praying for God’s will, & mercy, that the rapture would precede the horrors that war with China/Russia communism and all the hardline Islamic nations, embedded fifth column ‘rebels/revolutionaries’ in our (and other free nations’) institutions, plus the artificial cloaking ‘immigrant’ movement of terrorists, cartel etc within the borders of free nations including our own would bring. Aided by big tech, pharma, corporatism etc. (One wild card in that though seems to be the Russian support for true gender & against racism directed at whites… Putin postures as a champion of ‘Christian values’ & is viewed by many worldwide as having a ‘manly’ response to world crisis and demoralization while the rest of the West is viewed as wimpy & effeminate.) ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— I know mercy’s not deserved on any national level. But for his little ones, & his name’s sake.

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