This is just a short message to WinePress readers.

As you may already know, tomorrow will begin the process of counting the electoral votes for Joe Biden-Donald Trump. A large group of Trump protestors are at the capital right now, protesting the rigged election and blatant voter fraud. There have been piles of bricks laying around, so this means Antifa will most likely rear its ugly head again.

This election of course will not be a done deal, as to be presumed. An article from NBC, which obviously will have a more liberal slant to it (so keep that in mind), explains the proper processes.

But I am reaching out to WinePress readers because many of us all know that things are more than likely guaranteed to be a mess and wild ride coming up. The riots will no doubt spring up there, and probably all over the nation. So I am just warning readers to please walk close the Lord, and pray for safety and protection.

This nation has been going down the toilet for some time now, and this Plandemic has put it over the edge. If you have been following us, you understand all this election stuff is just puppet theater on a grand scale. One of the necessary goals of getting America out of the picture is to kill itself from the inside out, and that is all that is occurring.

America was founded on rebellion and it will die in rebellion.

Beyond the mass riots that will be happening this year, I see 3 basic outcomes for this presidential election.

One: The review of the electoral votes actually prove that Trump did in fact win. If this happens, chaos will certainly erupt, as the media quickly declared Biden the victor – and when that is taken away, the brainwashed liberals will go absolutely insane.

Two: The votes are reviewed and Biden becomes the 46th President. Things will be “hunky dory” and Trump will peacefully hand over the presidency. Then he will go back to his golf course as if nothing ever really happened. Maybe a random tweet here or there to keep his die-heart supporters invested. This leaves millions of his supporters feeling deeply betrayed and they will go on a riot spree of some kind.

Three: The more likely of the bunch – Biden will “officially” be the winner, but Trump refuses to step down. That will create so MAJOR turmoil of the likes of which this country has not seen. It will be akin to the Western Schism, also known as the Papal Schism, when two popes (eventually three) all claimed to be Pontifex Maximus, and began excommunicating and anathematizing each other. I wonder if this may happen again in way of sorts. Where Trump continues to claim Presidency, as does Biden’s team, and both of them fight aimlessly as to who the real President is.

We love to hear your thoughts. Please give your thoughts in the comments below.

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

Proverbs 29:25
A bit of a comedic look at civil war potential
More comedy of the ridiculous media
Unfortunately, whoever “wins” still serves the enemies of Jesus Christ (Rev 17).

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  • I think the first option is most likely but with the scenario of the third, the other way around regarding the count-up: Trump flips the tables at the last moment and the ballot count makes him the winner so he refuses to step down and Biden, the media and the crazed liberals will also refuse to concede their past victory calling fraud back, generating riots all over the US.

    This will also strengthen the feeling of injustice in Trump’s followers and root his legitimacy in their minds so they are more willing to fight, because if the count-up declares Biden the winner, many moderate Republicans still on the fence will concede.

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