No, this is not satire. This actually happened.

Several weeks ago, Austrian FPÖ Member of Parliament Michael Schnedlitz administered a COVID-19 PCR test to the beverage Coca Cola in the plenum before his colleagues. To many of the colleagues dismay, the Coke tested positive.

…You can see how worthless and misguided these mass tests are.

The evidence is overwhelming, starting with the absolutely absurd mass tests that are currently being carried out, which are nothing more than a large-scale redistribution of tens of millions of euros in tax money from the population…it can’t go on like this.

Michael Schnedlitz

The coronavirus mass tests are worthless! This was also shown by a simple experiment in parliament, in which cola got a positive result! But this government spends tens of millions in taxpayers’ money for precisely these tests.

Schnedlitz on his Facebook page

In May, the East African country of Tanzania suspended its head for the national health laboratory in charge of testing coronavirus, and ordered further testing by done to the tests themselves.

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli questioned the test’s accuracy, and said the imported test kits were faulty as they had returned positive results on a goat and a pawpaw fruit — among several non-human samples submitted for testing, with technicians left deliberately unaware of their origins.


Our ‘friends’ the “fact-checkers” have come to save us from this “misinformation.” Politifact claims that the test was performed incorrectly:

One error Schnedlitz made is that he did not add a buffer to the Coke “sample” before testing it. “In a properly executed test, the sample is always swirled first in a liquid (buffer) that keeps the pH constant,” the company wrote.

COVID-19 tests should also be conducted by hospital staff or people trained to administer them, Dialab said. Dialab’s Facebook post included a video of a test on a sample of Coke — treated first with a buffer — and it yielded a negative result.

You have got to be kidding me! -“Swirling” the Coke makes that much of a difference between a positive and negative result?! You can’t make this stuff up – well, actually, perhaps you can after all.

If Covid-19 is so bad as the media propagates it is, then Coke (under any circumstance), fruit, and goats should not test positive. Period. Done. Over. Out.

The WinePress has documented that the CDC admits their tests are essentially a coin-flip. They admit that the tests do not have an isolate in which to judge by. Therefore, wonky results. This further explains why “case numbers are rising” because literally anyone and anything can somehow test for a disease that hardly anyone has died from, and those that do get it barely even have symptoms.

Birx saying Covid-19 related deaths will be labeled as a Covid death regardless of cause(s).

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