On December 27th, Spain began to administer the Covid-19 vaccine voluntarily. However, those that refuse the shot will be registered according to the Ministry of Health.

Those who chose not to get vaccinated will not remain anonymous and the Ministry of Health will register the names of people who refuse to have it and their reasons why, according to the Spanish outlet, The Local es.

Salvador Illa, the Minister of Health, assures Spaniards that the vaccine is effective against the supposed new strain of the virus. The WinePress has been updating the status of that.

This information will also be included in a ‘vaccination registry’ of each citizen. This information was released by the Ministry of Health on December 21st, as a report on Vaccination Strategy against Covid.

Without prejudice the duty of collaboration falls on individuals to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and will be voluntary. It is considered important to register cases of rejection of the vaccination in the vaccination registry, in order to understand the possible reasons for this in different population groups.

Those who agree to be vaccinated must first give verbal informed consent, except in certain circumstances when it may be required in writing, for example when it comes to vaccinating children in schools, when parents or guardians are not present.

Statistics from a recent survey show that 40.5% Spaniards are willing to take a Covid-19 vaccine. This grew from 36.8% in November.

This survey also reports that 16.2% Spaniards will take a shot if the vaccine is proven to be “reliable.”

The percentage of Spaniards unwilling to take a Covid-19 vaccine dove to 28% this month, according to the survey. In November the percentage was 47%.

Spain plans to start the immunization process on the elderly residents and staff in nursing homes.


This registration, and similar things like it, will become the “new normal” coming to a country near year. As disgusting and invasive as this is, I think this was undoubtedly expected and perhaps a bit of a formality.

Nevertheless, I will NOT be getting a vaccine no matter the cost. My body belongs to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: no one will be telling me to jab chemicals and aborted baby tissues in my bloodstream.

[19] What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? [20] For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

We all need to continually pray and fast fervently to stop and limit the effects of this oppression.

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Act 5:29

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