For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

What is the Hegelian Dialectic? The Hegelian Dialectic is philosophical mind control tactic to advance a particular predetermined agenda. If you do not know what the Bible has to say about philosophy, then read this:

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Colossians 2:8

Whenever the Bible tells you to beware something, it is vitally important to take heed to that warning. The King James Bible outright condemns philosophy and makes it synonymous with vain deceit, along with men’s traditions they create and hold higher than the word of God, and the fundamentals (the rudiments) of how to get by in society (justifying sin). It is very possible for a Christian to get spoiled and bewitched. We read this as well:

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

1 Corinthians 15:33

With that out of the way, let us examine the actual definition of the Hegelian dialectic. Depending on who you ask, you might get some slightly varying answers, but this is the general formula for what it is:

A framework for guiding thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead to synthetic solutions which can only be introduced once those being manipulated take a side that will advance the predetermined agenda.

In other words, it is controlled opposition. To simplify it even further, it can be broken down into three basic steps. Thesis. Antithesis. Synthesis. Or another way to think of it is, Problem, Reaction, Solution. If you can remember that basic phrase, then you understand the basic tenants of how the Hegelian Dialectic works. A problem is created or already exists, the response or reaction is then given, and out of that comes the predetermined narrative.


The Hegelian Dialectic has been, and is currently being used on large scales. This study will give a small overview of such. But to understand how that formula works, you must understand the necessary need for good and effective propaganda. Propaganda and fear tactics are the ways used to further the predetermined agenda. In order to coax the masses to accept this agenda, they have to be swayed into going along with it. This is done via the use of propaganda.

The greatest propaganda experts were the Nazis. Hitler and Goebbels laid out succinctly what good propaganda is. I did a video entitled “The New Nazi Youth” where I show the quotes from Mein Kampf and Joseph Goebbels on how to construct effective propaganda. I will quote a few of them here, but if you wish to see a lot more of them, I HIGHLY encourage you to watch the video, and watch the propaganda in action forced upon the children. NOTE: The video was uploaded to Google Drive. If the video does not want to play, you are free to download the file if you wish.

But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in the mind constantly and unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success.

The purpose of propaganda is not to provide interesting distraction for blasé young gentlemen, but to convince, and what I mean is to convince the masses. But the masses are slow-moving, and they always require a certain time before they are ready to even notice a thing, and only after the simplest ideas are repeated thousands of times will the masses finally remember them.

At first the claims of the propaganda were so impudent that people thought it insane; later, it got on people’s nerves; and in the end, it was believed.”

Mein Kampf

The function of propaganda is, for example, not to weigh and ponder the rights of different people, but exclusively to emphasize the one right which it has set out to argue for. Its task is not to make an objective study of the truth, in so far as it favors the enemy, and then set it before the masses with academic fairness; its task it to serve our right, always and unflinchingly.

Mein Kampf

In relation to the political decontamination of our public life, the government will embark upon a systematic campaign to restore the nation’s moral and material health. The whole educational system, theatre, film, literature, the press and broadcasting – all these will be used as a means to this end.

Adolf Hitler

Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play

Joseph Goebbels

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such a time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

Joseph Goebbels

This is just a handful of the ways propaganda is accomplished. As you can see by Goebbels’ statements, propaganda must not contain the truth. The best lies are the ones that sprinkles some truth laced on top of the icing, but the rest of the cake is spoiled with error and deceit. This is one of the reasons why The WinePress was formed – to reprove the evil works of darkness (Eph 5:11-16), and present the truth of God’s word.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32

But did you also notice what methods they were utilizing for the propaganda? -the media.

But the Nazis were not the only ones to do this. America is just as guilty as the Nazis, and in actuality, have perfected the techniques and have a much more extensive array of tools to brainwash people now.

In 1948, several years after the official end of World War II, the Smith-Mundt Act was passed. What is this act? Wikipedia gives a brief description of what this act entails:

The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (Public Law 80-402), popularly called the Smith–Mundt Act, is the basic legislative authorization for propaganda activities conducted by the U.S. Department of State, sometimes called “public diplomacy”. The act was first introduced by Congressman Karl E. Mundt (R-SD) in January 1945 in the 79th Congress. It was subsequently passed by the 80th Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman on January 27, 1948.

This same act was then reintroduced in 2012.

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which was contained within the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (section 1078 (a)) amended the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987, allowing for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to be available within the United States.

A separate article explains more about its reintroduction.

Several news outlets reported that the 2013 NDAA overturned a 64-year ban on the domestic dissemination of propaganda (described as “public diplomacy information”) produced for foreign audiences, effectively eliminating the distinction between foreign and domestic audiences. The news website BuzzFeed News for example quoted an unnamed source saying the Smith–Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 would allow “U.S. propaganda intended to influence foreign audiences to be used on the domestic population.”

The Media and Outreach Coordinator for the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs, Gregory L. Garland, noted that the United States shoots itself in the foot by the release prohibition of materials produced by the State Department and the BBG within US borders and by preaching freedom of the press abroad while practicing censorship at home. He argued against a complete repeal of the Smith–Mundt Act of 1948 stating that the law “creates a statutory firewall between resources intended for foreign audiences and those used domestically. Tear down that firewall, and it will be a matter of time before resources and personnel who focus on talking about America overseas are diverted in favor of domestic “public affairs,” the short-term political imperative of any administration.” An unnamed Pentagon official who was concerned about the 2012 law version stated: “It removes the protection for Americans. It removes oversight from the people who want to put out this information. There are no checks and balances. No one knows if the information is accurate, partially accurate, or entirely false.” The monthly magazine The Atlantic echoed those concerns by pointing out to two USA Today journalists who became target of a smear and propaganda campaign after they reported that the U.S. military “information operations” program spent millions of U.S. dollars in marketing campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq criticized as ineffective and poorly monitored. As it turned out one of firm leaders who executed the marketing campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan admitted to be a part of the smear and propaganda campaign against the USA Today reporters.

You also have what is known as “Operation Mockingbird.” This is a confirmed secret operation where CIA agents and actors were paid to spread propaganda across different media platforms in order to control the narrative. However, there are no official documents showing that this operation has ended. And if the operation were to have been ended on paper, that is still irrelevant – whenever governments gets that much control, they will NEVER give it back.

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s look at some examples of this at work with the Hegelian Dialectic.

The New Normal

A perfect example of this is the Covid-19 “pandemic.” To bring it back down to the simple formula, here is the situation in a nutshell:

  • Problem: There is a new strain of coronavirus that has flu and fever-like symptoms, that is more easily spread.
  • Reaction: Nations, states, and counties lockdown the area. Businesses that are deemed “non-essential” are forced to close and other places that allow for the potential of large gatherings. Enforced restrictions and mandates on how businesses have to operate. The people must social distance, wear face masks, temperature checked, get tested for covid, etc.
  • Solution: “Normalcy only returns when we have largely vaccinated the entire world population.” -Bill Gates

That is a basic breakdown of what Covid-19 is: propaganda. If you look at the data, as The WinePress has pointed out numerous times already, and will continue to do so, Covid-19 is nowhere near being as deadly as the media has claimed that it has. If the media had said nothing, life would continue on as normal and no one would even care or notice. But because the media continues to push the hysteria, people are just scared out of their minds. This allows them to control the people and get them to do what they want.

The actions taken by the government, economists, and medical officials were already planned out in advance, as this is all puppet theater. If you do not believe me, then feel free to watch “The Event 201” scripted event held by the WHO and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Five months prior to Covid-19 being declared as a pandemic, this scripted event simulated what would happen if a pandemic occurred and how officials would respond to it. Low and behold, this scripted event was about the release of a “new coronavirus.” What a surprise, right?! You can watch them on YouTube. What was discussed in their simulation is playing out to a ‘T’ right now.

The “Plandemic” films did a fantastic job of demonstrating how all the actions taken by the governments and other officials are all being played out just as The Event 201 scripts were played. The WinePress does, however, not endorse every statement made in that film. The producers of that film were new-agers who preach a “new-age gospel” that is contrary to the gospel of Christ; so keep that in mind, but it is a film well worth your time.

Also check out this video below showing the propaganda machine at work, and how the predetermined agenda is being fulfilled. The WinePress does not endorse this YouTube channel, but the evidence in the video cannot be denied.

As this video points out, as have other WinePress reports, the real goal is to destroy the economy. By doing so, it allows the bankers and globalists to replace the fiat currencies with a new digital dollar. The longer and longer they can stretch the hysteria of the “pandemic,” more people will be so impoverished and reliant on the government, they can then issue a new currency. This is all part of what is now being openly thrown around now as “The Great Reset.”

But what makes the propaganda so effective is all the marshmallow fluff surrounding it. In the fine arts world, there is something called “improvisation,” or “improv” for short. “Improvisation is the activity of making or doing something not planned beforehand, using whatever can be found. Improvisation in the performing arts is a very spontaneous performance without specific or scripted preparation.” A good example of this a SNL (Saturday Night Live) skit. Whenever the actors perform a comedic skit, the actors on stage are given a basic script, each with a certain role to play. The setting, characters, objects, are in place. They have a predetermined beginning, middle, and end. But the funny parts come in when the actors get to improvise and the actors have to react on the spot.

Now if you take that and scale it up to what the media, government leaders and officials have said and done, a lot of it is improv. This is done to sell the deceit. If everything was purely read off a script, and only that, then the dialectic and propaganda would get dismantled. They have to react to what the public’s response will be and the effects of that, along with other events that were unforeseen; but will never hurt or effect the final solution.

There are many examples of the Hegelian Dialectic at work, but this is just a condensed way to understand it.

Variant Forms

The basic formula at times, however, does not always work but similar tactics are used.

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

2 Corinthians 11:3
[8] Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: [9] Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

1 Peter 5:8-9

Satan will many times break the formula and very craftily pits opposing forces together. In this sense, there is not necessarily a formulated action-reaction-solution scenario, but to cause a clear rift and divide. For example, he will create one side of an argument, and another side of a different argument – sometimes it contains bits of truth, but both arguments are wrong and the truth lies somewhere in the middle of the two. Satan adores this methodology. If he can get two sides to fight and argue, it will allow both sides to not reach the whole truth.

For example, take for instance Republicans versus Democrats. Satan loves to use this to his advantage. If he can get you to stop thinking rationally and not use equity and discretion, he has you right where he wants you. During the most recent presidential debate, we had people screaming “PICK A SIDE!,” when in reality, either side was not beneficial and is apart of the predetermined narrative.

Or how about some biblical topics? A major one I see all the time is the issue of salvation. Satan loves to pull people into two general umbrella groups. One side will be the Roman Catholic, “Lordship,” “Hard-Believeism” camp. The other side will be the “Free Grace,” “Faith Alone,” “Easy-Believeism.” Both sides are too extremes, but the truth of real salvation is in the middle of these groups.

You have topics that deal with the issue of liberty in the life of the Christian. There are groups that are very legalistic and say you have to keep certain aspects of the law to stay saved; and the other side that is so flamboyant they condone sin and call it liberty.

The list could continue on, but I think you get the point.


There is a whole lot I more I could have cited to examine the Hegelian Dialectic in much more detail, but this was just meant to be a short to study to build off of. Now you know what it is, and how it works. By being able to analyze the facts, you can now better discern and deceiver one of the ways Satan tries to trick people.

The WinePress will continue to post reports that help the reader refute and defeat the propaganda.

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