“We know there’s a variant, we know nothing about what that means biologically. It is far too early to make any inference on how important this may or may not be.”

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UPDATE 12/30/20: Today Boris Johnson has ordered the highest covid restrictions for about 75% of the U.K. That is roughly about 44.1 million affected by these new restrictions.

Hospitality venues and non-essential shops are closed and households cannot mix.

This is because they are now claiming this new strain of propaganda is 70% more infectious than the original virus.

We must face the reality that the sheer pace of the spread of this new variant requires us now to take even tougher action in some areas.

Boris Johnson

He also urged people to stay home for the New Year’s celebrations.

Students returning to school from Christmas break in secondary schools will be staggered to enable testing. Primary schools will not be open to all students in the worst areas.

Scotland is also tightening up their restrictions. Restaurants, pubs, and cafes will be forced to close, and schools will open later than expected.

Northern Ireland and Wales are doing something similar.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTARY: Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.us makes some good additional points about this supposed new strain. WinePress readers now that this new strain of Covid is just recycled propaganda in order to take the vaccine. However, he makes a good point that we all need to take into consideration – that is, these vaccinations may never actually come to an end.

He argues that the government could potentially keep saying a new strain has been released, thereby rendering the previous vaccine not as effective. To boil it down, it would become the new flu shot, just with an immunity pass attached to it.

From the article, quoting Gideon Lichfield from MIT,

Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating—legally—against those who are.

…one can imagine a world in which, to get on a flight, perhaps you’ll have to be signed up to a service that tracks your movements via your phone. The airline wouldn’t be able to see where you’d gone, but it would get an alert if you’d been close to known infected people or disease hot spots. There’d be similar requirements at the entrance to large venues, government buildings, or public transport hubs. There would be temperature scanners everywhere, and your workplace might demand you wear a monitor that tracks your temperature or other vital signs. Where nightclubs ask for proof of age, in future they might ask for proof of immunity—an identity card or some kind of digital verification via your phone, showing you’ve already recovered from or been vaccinated against the latest virus strains.

12/26/20 UPDATE: Parts of the U.K. have now retightened its restrictions.

Northern Ireland is now under a new 6 week lockdown. Wales also has seen restrictions reimposed today after Christmas.

What is considered “Tier 4” means that no mixing of other households can occur, and travel is permitted to “essential” only. Gyms, pools, hairdressers, and stores selling “nonessentials” must close their doors as well. Restaurants and pubs are limited to takeout only.

All of this surrounds the fears of a new strain of covid. The U.S. now requires those traveling from the U.K. to provide a negative test within 72 hours of departure. Reports claim that 1 Frenchman tested for this new strain, 4 people in Spain, and another 5 in Japan.

As The WinePress has already demonstrated, the fears of this new strain are just malarkey. Look at how some of these articles continue to push the fear and hysteria:

AP: “Millions of people in the U.K. faced tough new coronavirus restrictions Saturday, with Scotland and Northern Ireland demanding tighter measures to try to halt a new variant of the virus that is believed to spread more quickly.”

NBC: “Millions of people in the U.K. woke up a day after Christmas to tougher coronavirus restrictions on Saturday as officials in France and other European countries reported their first cases of the mutated, potentially more contagious strain.”

There has not been a single shred of evidence released to the public showing that there is indeed a new strain. The only new strain here is just recycled propaganda – which the people are too big of whipped ducks to fight back and resist this nonsense. Even if some kinds of “evidence” is released, we all now it will be doctored up as the data has been all year.

The U.K. has yet to officially mandate a “covid immunity pass,” however some airlines are already drafting one up, as have some Australian airliners. Well, if these passes become mandatory where they limit travel, shopping, and other freedoms and privileges, people will have to get them. Therefore, the government goons and the medical mafia must scare people into getting a vaccine, and make them incredibly impoverished that they will essentially be forced into getting the vaccine to get their freedoms back. This is the prototyping for the antichrist and the mark of the beast.

[5] And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. [6] And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Revelation 6:5-6
[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16
Australia has been toying with the idea of limiting all kinds of freedoms if you do not get their “not mandatory” vaccine.

UPDATE: Since this article’s original posting, the media is not letting up on the hype, as documented in the article. Now countries are banning travel to and from the U.K.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now claiming that this coronavirus variant could be 70% more transmissible. These are just hypotheses, not facts.

Canada, Germany, Italy, and other nations have now currently imposed new restrictions on U.K. travelers.

USA Today reports that, even though U.S. Health Officials say the added restrictions are not necessary, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has already taken the liberty to force British Airways’ passengers to test negative before boarding the plane, and is currently in talks with Delta and Virgin Atlantic.

Dr. Anthony Fauci met with the coronavirus task force today, and he said he would oppose new travel restrictions, though they are continually monitoring it. “Follow it carefully, but don’t overreact to it,” Fauci told CNN.

British Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said the virus variant is “out of control” around London and southeastern England.

So I don’t think there should be any reason for alarm right now. We continue to watch. … But again, viruses mutate, over 4,000 mutations that we’ve seen so far in this virus, and it’s still acting essentially like COVID-19. And the vaccines should continue to work very robustly against all of these strains.

Admiral Brett Giroir

As I originally pointed out in this report, this is just more fear and hysteria in order to scare people into taking the vaccine. Look at the underlined portion of the previous quote. The governments and medical mafia know that there is strong resistance to the vaccine, so now they are having to scare people again into getting one.

This is also why The WinePress took the time to point out that the media has now dropped its “herd immunity” numbers down to 70% from the ‘normal’ 90%-95% accepted vaccine science.

The only “new, highly infectious strain of covid” here is the propaganda they are pushing.

The WinePress will continue to update you with the latest on this subject.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I have to break the mold of my post format a tiny bit to point out the ridiculous fear mongering that is going on. Pay attention to how this article words this.

The BBC ran a headline yesterday that read “New Covid strain: How worried should we be?” Apparently, according to the mainstream news, there is yet another mutation of Covid-19.

Because of this “discovery,” scientists are now worried that it could spread to more people easier, but there is no laboratory data to confirm any of the hypothesizes and fear.

They cite that there are two different kinds of mutations, which the author of the report says he apologizes for their “hideous names.” They are called N501 and H69/V70 mutations. Scary isn’t?!

We know there’s a variant, we know nothing about what that means biologically.

It is far too early to make any inference on how important this may or may not be.

Prof. Alan McNally, from the University of Birmingham


There is a reason for more of the fear mongering. As the article continues, read what this BBC propagandist was paid to write:

Mutations to the spike protein lead to questions about the vaccine because the three leading jabs – Pfizer, Moderna and Oxford – all train the immune system to attack the spike.

However, the body learns to attack multiple parts of the spike. That is why health officials remain convinced the vaccine will work against this variant.

Coronavirus is still trying out different combinations of mutations to properly nail infecting humans.

But soon mass vaccination will put a different kind of pressure on the virus because it will have to change in order to infect people who have been immunized.

If this does drive the evolution of the virus, we may have to regularly update the vaccines, as we do for flu, to keep up.

There ya go. Therein lies the real reason why they are pushing more propaganda. They are trying to scare you into fearing the virus so you are forced to accept their predetermined and only option they chose for you: a vaccine.

This whole thing of them finding more strains and mutations is just nonsense! Look at the data for yourself: it is not bad at all. Of the active cases, 95.5% are all in mild condition. There have only been 1,649,269 deaths worldwide out of a world population of 7,832,500,000. That is approximately less than .02%! From the case numbers, only 2.22% have died from it. Not to mention that is has been reported numerous times that the numbers have been skewed. Dr. Deborah Birx has openly said that the U.S is counting its cases more liberally – to beef up the numbers.

The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses. The fact that our bright boys do not understand this merely shows how mentally lazy and conceited they are.

Mein Kampf

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

Good propaganda relies very heavily on fear tactics – the “what if” logic. All they have been pushing has been fear and hysteria from the very beginning. But as Hitler and Goebbels have explained, if you use actual data and facts, the people will not get it. You have to keep the points small and continually reiterate them until the lemmings finally accept them as gospel truth.

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