Ever since the lockdowns began in March, the media and politicians attempted to reassure its people that as soon as the lockdowns were over, a figurative light switch would be flipped, and everything would return to normal. The economy, if put on a graph, would form what they described as a “V-shaped” recovery. It went straight down, only to go right back up to where it began.
If you have been noticing lately, mainstream media, politicians, economists, are touting that we are in a v-shaped recovery. President Trump and many others in his cabinet have said that we are in a v-shaped recovery. Trump has even called it a “rocket-ship.” We have been hearing reports of the creation of jobs, all-time record highs for the stock-market, unemployment percentages rapidly going lower. So, is there in fact a “v-shaped” recovery?
The answer is, absolutely not!
When writing this article, I was contemplating as to what to include to show that there is no recovery of any kind. Truthfully, I do not know where to begin. There is so much stuff happening on an hourly basis it seems, so trying to keep up with it is just getting ridiculous. I am also realizing just how in the dark many brethren in the body of Christ are. The world dwells in darkness, and are blind and drunk (1 The 5:1-10; 1 Joh 5:19, 4:4-6; 2 Cor 4:4; Eph 4:14); so of course they, by and large, are not going to get it.
The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.
Proverbs 4:19
What I am going to report is not even a fraction as to how bad it REALLY is. There is just way too much to cover, so I am going to try and hit the highlights. Of course, I realize there will be those, that, no matter how many facts I can show, they still will continue on in their deceit and digging their ditches for themselves.
A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.
Proverbs 17:10
There are some people out there that I could physically beat someone with the facts, and they still would refuse it. The focus here in this article is America, as I am an American more focused on my country. However, I can say that the rest of the world is not doing much better; except China in many cases. The WinePress is only interested in presenting the facts and the truth: what you do with them is your business. This article will no doubt greatly offend some people out there, but it is out of compassion as to why I am warning those that have ears to hear (1 Joh 3:17-19).
Feel free to “fact-check” the evidence provided.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
The Real Numbers
Let’s use a sound mind, and begin to analyze some numbers.
To start off with, let us address the unemployment numbers. According to the most recent numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on December 4th, the report shows that unemployment is now at 6.7%. Are these numbers accurate? No way! You have got to be joking me – there is no way unemployment is down that low. Let us examine.
According to the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity (LISEP), they report the numbers are actually 25.5%. It should come as no surprise that the media, corrupt politicians, mainstream economists are going to make the numbers as low as possible to sell the deception; especially more so then ever before with the media hyping up a “pandemic” that has killed barely more than .01% of the entire world population. If they can keep you locked up in your home, and tell you how wonderful the economy is doing (that they destroyed), then it makes the people think “life is good,” – naturally making the people want to spend more because they have been given a false sense of reality that things are more stable then they are. You can view the pdf provided by LISEP as to how they get these numbers. Another good source is shadowstats.com.
Now, for the sake of argument, let’s just take that inconvenient fact out of the way. Let us pretend that the numbers the “loving and trusting” government tell us is fairly accurate. Again, as a Christian, you are supposed to have a sound mind given by the Lord (2 Tim 1:7). That Holy Spirit of truth should be there to give you discernment, through sanctification and study of God’s precepts, to see what is going on. Take a look out your window and think for a moment at what you see.
Food Lines
Have you been seeing massive food lines popping up? When the corrupt politicians starting locking things up, it did not take long for the already strained food banks to be overloaded on an epic scale. Almost one month ago, millions all over America were standing out in line for hours and hours waiting to get some food for Thanksgiving, or face going hungry. According to Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief and food rescue organization, and reported on by USA Today, cite that
“Over 80 percent of food banks in the Feeding America network continue to serve more neighbors during the COVID-19 pandemic yet are accustomed to this new level of demand, working tirelessly to keep inventory of food and resources high.”
Food banks have consistently seen a 60 percent increase in demand compared to this time last year, and continue to require more food and resources to provide to people in need.
According to the USDA, more than 35 million people, including nearly 11 million children, lived in food insecure households before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a recent Feeding America analysis found that number could rise to more than 50 million people, including 17 million children, in 2020
Stare at that picture. Just stare at it. This was a drone shot of cars in San Antonio, Texas in April, all bumper-to-bumper waiting for food. And then you have the food lines popping everywhere this past Thanksgiving.
Now ask yourself this question: if unemployment is going down, then would not logic dictate that the food lines would start to decrease, just a little?
Job Creation?
Or how about the jobless claims? Since the start of the plandemic lockdowns, every week, the US has reported at least 730,000 first time new jobless claims. That is EVERY WEEK. To put that in perspective, the worst of the Great Recession was about 670,000 at the height of it. The US was getting at least over a 1,000,000 first time claims until August 8th when the numbers fell to around 970,000 claims. The mainstream media cheered as this was dubbed as great news. Then the numbers went back into the millions for a few more weeks, and then came back just under a million. Now it has been around the low 800,000’s and high 700,000’s for weeks. The numbers are beginning to increase yet again at the time of this posting. Look at the graphs provided by Investopedia and Investing.com for proof.
The Department of Labor releases the numbers each Thursday morning.
Again, ask yourself, how can there be a v-shaped recovery if the first-time jobless claims continually grow? And then how does that play in with lower unemployment numbers? IT DOESN’T ADD UP.
Then we are told that jobs were being created, thereby “proving” that we are in a recovery.
Sounds wonderful doesn’t it? But if you look at that linked graph for first time jobless claims, the data shows that each week reported in October was over at least 760,000. Simply take the final week reported of October and subtract the “added jobs” from that same month. That gives you a LOSS of 122,000 jobs! And that is just one week out of October: I am not even including the other 4 reported weeks. America is hemorrhaging jobs like crazy. The unemployment numbers mainstream tells us are bogus.
Debt And Deficit Grows
The U.S. Treasury department reported in October that the annual deficit tripled to record levels. The number tripled to $3.1 Trillion, or 16.1% gross domestic product (GDP). The Treasury said it sold securities that the total federal debt held by the public to $21 trillion, a 25% increase. It was going to go over $1 trillion before the shutdowns.
To add onto that previous fact, the Treasury claims to have collected $3.42 trillion in revenue, but spent $6.55 trillion. According to the nonprofit group, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), the debt will have exceeded the national economy. It will owe 101% of GDP.
The U.S. federal budget is on an unsustainable path, has been for some time.
Jerome Powell. Chairman of the Federal Reserve
So how can you tell me there is a recovery? Where is the logic in the record-highs for the stock market?
Small Businesses Dead Or Dying
Small businesses have just been obliterated by the corrupt politicians forcing them to close their doors. Walmart, Target, Costco, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Dominos, etc, were allowed to stay open, but the little guy was forced to shut its doors.
According to a marketing website, Womply, 850,000 small business have closed their doors indefinitely. That is one out of every seven. When you have companies like Lord & Taylor, a company that has been around for over 200 years, being forced to file bankruptcy and go out of business permanently – that tells the story. A company that has survived the Civil War, the World Wars, the Great Recession, and so on; and this killed them. How sad. And it has been like this for many companies this year as well, and more to follow.
And with more states and counties reinforcing lockdowns and covid restrictions, many on the edge of destruction have reported that it will be over for them.
And not just small businesses, but many other industries are doing poorly. A report in October was released by accounting firm Deloitte citing that 107,000 jobs in the oil industry have been slashed, and many more on the way. Those jobs that were lost are highly unlikely to ever return. As a matter fact, smaller oil companies that were facing going out of business, were then bought up by bigger companies. The bigs are getting bigger. The monopolies are growing. Recovery huh?
If you want to see the debt in real time, check out the U.S Debt Clock. You will see that the current national debt is over $27.4 trillions dollars; while its GDP is $21.3 trillion. For U.S Total Debt, it is about turn into $82 trillion dollars at the time of this posting.
By the way, did you forget that The United States is indebted to China to the tune of $1.1 trillion.
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
Proverbs 22:7
America is in servitude to China. Period. Granted, it would not be the wisest move for China to call in the debts right now, as that would just further hurt China by crippling the U.S even more. That being said, it gives them leverage to flex their muscles a bit.
Depleted Retirement
Because of law changes done by congress with their nonsensical CARES Act, it allowed for people to access their retirement funds much easier. According to CNBC, the CARES Act allows Americans to access up to $100,00 without paying a 10% penalty. This also includes 401(k) and other retirement accounts. This is only allowable in 2020. The alibi is that this was done for those who were in desperate need because of covid.
But if you thought that sounds crazy, then listen to this. On a broadcast of The Dave Ramsey Show, one of the most listened to radio shows in America, Ramsey and his co-host, Chris Hogan, were in utter disbelief, shock, and frustration when they learned that over $12 BILLION dollars of household personal retirement has evaporated! Just fathom that number. Do you realize how long it will take, if ever, for these people to recoup their money?
Ramsey rightfully blasts the government for being morons; but the real issue is the stupidity of the people. The masses saw that the penalty was gone, so they took their money out and bought even more “toys.” Add in the $1,200 stimulus check taxpayers received, and that further added to the problem. In the minds of many Americans, $1,200 equals a $50,000 car they will never own. It means more flatscreens, iPhones, fancy shoes, furniture, kitchen remodel, and so on; instead of saving like a smart person, and just cut out all non-essentials: went into even deeper into debt and financial turbulence!
Give the video a watch. The ramifications of this will be catastrophic. More government…
Even More Insanity
So if we are in a recovery, and we are seeing stock market highs, then also factor in these points as well:
On January 1st, an estimated 5.8 million adults face eviction or foreclosure, according to ZeroHedge. That is 32.5% of the 17.8 million behind on rent or mortgage payments. Assuming good-for-nothing Congress steps in and passes more legislature, many of the major provisions of the CARES Act will expire. A potential 12 million people could be effected because of their benefits expiring. Millions more will be facing eviction as well in 2021, unless they can come up with the money.
The farmers will be getting bailed out again. They were bailed out in 2019, and now they are getting even more bailout money. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will send $14 Billion in aid. Another report shows that the government has handed out $40 Billion to the farmers. Many of the large farms here in America are foreign-owned, including China.
The airlines need more bailout money too. They told President Trump earlier this year that it will not lay off more workers. So they were given the bailout, and, low and behold, they continued to fire workers, and want more bailout money. Many of them are still projected to layout even more workers. Congress is working on a way to include them in their current stimulus talks.
Coca-Cola plans to can 200 brands from their portfolio. This includes brands such as Dasani, Smart Water, Powerade, and other niche brands and flavors like Odwalla and Tab. I bring this up because if we are in a recovery, then why is one of the most globally recognizable brands shortening up their list of products? Admittedly, many of these brands are regional and not well known, but names like Powerade and Dasani are names you more than likely have heard of.
Stock Market Stupidity
This is the main thing that just trips people up. When the masses are told that the stock market is going up, with all time record highs to boot, they are given a false sense of reality thinking “life is good,” when it is the dead opposite. With just a fraction of the facts I have given you, no way, no how, could the stock market go up under normal conditions. So then why is it going up?
Simply put, the Federal Reserve is hyper-inflating it. They are printing endless money on an epic scale. For a better explanation, I will allow The Trends Research Institute to explain what is happening. We have already seen sufficient evidence that, if the stock market was actually attached to the real economy, it should be down 5,000 points! I will be paraphrasing and quoting some of what The Trends Journal has reported to give basic summaries of what has been occurring. There is simply too much that has happened over the course of this year to explain in this one article alone, so I will try get you to speed and understand the basics of what is happening. Check out their trends for 2021.
In early July, they explained that the Fed is funneling massive amounts money to Wall Street banks and hedge funds, and then those go in and buy up the market; while the Fed inflates its balance sheet. They showed from the Fed’s own website, that their balance ballooned over $7 trillion dollars – which is more than most nation’s GDP. They also point out that the Fed has its secret balance sheet that no one is allowed to see, including the president. Many of the major corporations also have their secret balance sheet as well. But this secret balance sheet is used to fund wars all over the world. They will continue to inflate this balance sheet until the current bubbles enlarge even further, and others form, too. Then at their discretion, they will stop inflating their balance sheet which will cause chaos; and they will be right there to buy it up.
In early September, The Trends Journal further corroborated its earlier statements. The Fed came out and said they are going to let inflation “run hot.”
They are prepared to vastly increase their money creation out of thin air and keep rates low indefinitely. Moreover, the Fed is considering making direct payments to corporations that have been affected by COVID-19. Yes, the same corporations that have been buying back shares of their own stock for over a decade. Yes, the same corporations in which the Federal Reserve is buying their debt. The merger of corporations and the new American government is nearly complete.
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of
Benito Mussolini
state and corporate power.”
Because they are artificially suppressing the rates, they have to buy up the debt; and keep the money printing going.
The Trends Journal has continually documented that the middle-class is the real economy, so by destroying them, the economy will die. They have constantly warned of the trillions of dollars that have been stolen from them; and rate suppression is leading to bigger and bigger bubbles – bigger than the Great Recession.
In late September they responded to more of what the Fed was doing.
This past week, we heard from the Federal Reserve that interest rates will be kept near zero for the foreseeable future. Moreover, the Fed is in the process of increasing its purchasing of mortgage-backed securities and Treasuries. In addition, the Fed will be increasing its purchases of corporate debt, which, in and of itself, is a backdoor bailout scheme. The Fed stated it will work diligently to cause inflation to rise, not just hitting its long-term 2 percent inflation goal but exceeding it.
Let’s now put this into perspective: Banks can borrow cash directly from the Federal Reserve at zero percent interest and then lend that cash out for a profit. Today, the average personal loan rate is north of 9 percent. The average auto loan, if you have a credit score of 750 or higher, is around 5 percent; if you have less than stellar credit, you’ll pay over 11 percent interest for that same loan. The average credit card interest rate is 16 percent. If you’re one of the few who have a perfect credit score, you can get a mortgage with a rate of around 3 percent… if you can afford to front at least 20 percent for the down payment.
In mid-October, they reported on what the Treasury Department told banks:
This week, we also became aware that the Treasury Department privately encouraged banks to prioritize existing clients when implementing the federal government’s Paycheck Protection Program, which benefited medium and large businesses but caused harm to small, underfunded U.S. businesses. Surprised? You shouldn’t be.
The following week, Bank of America said “The Federal Reserve will create inflation with a digital dollar.” This plays right in with Bible prophecy, as the for the mark of the beast system to be implemented, the old currencies have to go bye-bye (Rev 13:16-18). The Trends Journal gives four key points to take note of, as the Fed is devaluing the dollar on a mass scale to create inflation.
One: A devalued digital dollar is massively positive for the stock market. Why? It
will take more weaker digital dollars to buy anything – including shares of stock.Two: Multi-national corporations based in the United States will love a weaker
dollar, as they will reap the benefits of currency exchange rates when selling their
products overseas. This will add to their bottom line.Three: A weaker dollar is incredibly positive for gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies.
A weaker dollar is also commodities positive overall.Four: A weaker dollar robs purchasing power, making the lives of those not so
well off even more difficult.
The report also points out the catastrophic effects of what the Feds warn of what is called a “credit freeze.” If this happens, ALL TRANSACTIONS WILL STOP. So the Fed must keep buying up the debt.
I could keep going on and on, but I think you get the point. The stock market is 100%, utterly divorced from any kind of reality. When you have people like President Trump, and Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, and Larry Kudlow (Director of the United States National Economic Council) telling the American people that we are in a “super v-shaped recovery” and “a rocket ship” – they are straight-face LYING to you; but we are talking about politicians after all.
Money Velocity
To further prove that the propaganda they are bewitching the masses with is total garbage, take a look at what is called “money velocity.”
The velocity of money is a measurement of the rate at which money is exchanged in an economy. It is the number of times that money moves from one entity to another. It also refers to how much a unit of currency is used in a given period of time.
Take a look at the below chart.

The gray bars represent a recession. You can see that under Presidents Obama and Trump the line continually went down and down; and of course in 2020, it just nosedived like “a rocket-ship” reentering the Earth’s atmosphere. If money exchange keeps imploding, then how can there be a recovery? THERE CAN’T BECAUSE IT ISN’T!
What have I shown you in this article is a sliver of what has been happening this year. What I have documented does not even come close to telling the whole story. But if you did not already know, now you do. America is far from any kind of recovery. America is in an economic free fall with no end in sight.
If you have not read my article, “Should A Christian Invest In Gold and Silver?”, I suggest you give it a look if you are considering doing that with all the economic turmoil surrounding us.
This economy has not recovered since the Great Recession. That was the beginning of the end. All we did was bandage up gunshot wounds, and nothing more. Folks, and I am especially speaking towards the Trump supporters: this economy was going down under Trump. The plandemic just put the dagger in, and now America is slowly and painfully dying in the streets. Trump is just another puppet apart of the less than .01% of the ruling elites. He is a pathological liar with a big and charismatic personality. This in of itself could be its own article, but this will suffice. But to give an example, the trade deficit with China has virtually remained unchanged. Those tariffs and trade wars were useless. Here is the census report:
I know many Trump supporters will get mad me instead of getting mad at Trump for lying to them; but I am sure I will get comments trying to pin me as some sort of liberal Democrat – which I am NOT. I am just stating the facts. Take ’em or leave ’em.
As I said, this article is only a taste of what is actually going on. I realize I was a bit brash and acerbic, but I am trying to wake some people up to the current situation. Truthfully, if you have not been paying attention and preparing, then I do not what to tell you. But know this: America has reached the end and it WILL fall in the not so distant future. Be prepared. If you are not saved, check out our salvation page and gospel tracts to learn more.
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