The Trends Research Institute has just released their trends for 2021, and they are not good.

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Research Institute and weekly eMagazine, the Trends Journal, has been trend forecasting for 40 years. Celente’s trend forecasts are VERY accurate. Though he and his team are not perfect (obviously), they do a fantastic job of reporting on the real facts and data largely ignored by the mainstream politicians and economists, and are hands down, the best at forecasting where things are going to go.

Gerald Celente provides his top 10 trends he forecasts for the year of 2021. Many of these trends are already under way, and Celente has been harping on many of these trends throughout the chaotic and oppressive year of 2020.

The Greatest Depression

Celente has been reporting all year that the Greatest Depression the world has ever seen has begun. The world’s economies were already snowballing deeper and deeper into debt prior to the plandemic. With corrupt politicians imposing Draconian lockdowns, hundreds of millions of people’s livelihoods have been absolutely wrecked, along with millions of businesses gone for good, or barely hanging on to survive.

Celente cites that there will be some small bounce-backs, but will be short lived and temporary. He also cites that unemployment numbers will see a slight bounce-back as well, but it will not be because of job creation, rather, people returning to their old jobs they were let go from. There will be temporary rebounds, but both developed and underdeveloped will fall even deeper into a depression.

When the reality of the “Greatest Depression” sets in and government stimulus is no longer boosting it up, high-flying equity markets will crash around the world.

Anti-Vax And Anti-Tax

Celente’s second trend is that there will be an ever growing number of people who will refuse vaccines and the taxes the world governments will attempt to legislate on its people.

He says many of the Eastern nations will submit themselves to the restrictions and obey their rulers, and will in turn get vaccinated. Whereas in the west, more unrest and uprisings will occur due to many of the people’s resistance to a vaccine.

It should be noted that in Denmark earlier this month, the government proposed a new law that would force its citizens to get a COVID vaccination. After nine days of protests, the proposal was dropped.

Celente also forecasts many anti-tax movements will arise as well.

… with schools closed and learning online, taxpayers will demand sharp decreases in school taxes. Far fewer teachers will be needed, and all costs related to brick-and-mortar school buildings will be substantially lower, thus, taxes should be sharply cut.

And, overall, with businesses going bust and tax revenues decreasing, governments will attempt to raise taxes to make up for the shortfall. With people earning less and economically distressed, they will rise up against governments raising taxes.


Things are getting nasty already to say the least. 2021 will no doubt bring even more violence, bloodshed, thievery, then ever before. It will be critical for one to know how to not only navigate the playing-field, but how to fight back if and when that times comes. Celente described this a “megatrend.” In other words, this is a guarantee, so do not be complacent and slothful now.

Doubling up on mental health, physical fitness, and diet, when everything else is going down, will separate the Survivalists from the victims. The winners from losers.

This is one of the reasons why The WinePress has dedicated categories about these things, as this will be extremely important in the time to come.

Roaring 2021, Speakeasies, And Youth Revolutions

Celente’s 4th, 5th, and 6th trends involve partying and letting loose. “The Roaring 20’s” followed World War I and The Spanish Flu, and Celente believes we will see this in 2021. It will primarily consist of the younger generations, though some that are apart of the older generations will join in as well.

The Speakeasies are already happening. Teenagers and young adults are sneaking out to have a good time and party. It will surely increase in 2021.

The younger generations, Celente forecasts, will begin to form more revolutions. This has to do with all the insanity of the restrictions and hysterical stipulations forced on them – for a “pandemic” that quite literally has almost no effect on the younger members of society. The recovery rate for those aged 1-20 is 99.997%. Whereas older generations have been the main source of deaths and severe cases, though those numbers are still ridiculously low.

As we reported in the Trends Journal, a Financial Times study found a growing resentment among young workers toward older adults as the virus outbreak has led to various economic challenges that have hit younger generations the hardest.

For OnTrendpreneur® advertisers and fashion, entertainment, and product developers wishing to maximize sales to Gen Z and the younger millennial demographic, a new message, sound, and style to appeal to this target audience will reap generous rewards.

“Boca Midnight”

The 7th forecast is what Celente calls a “Boca Midnight.”

It’s “Boca Midnight” – the streets are empty long before the clock strikes midnight.

Now, the new midnight is what the old folks do in Boca Raton, Florida do: go out early and get to bed by 10 o’clock. No nightlife.

A New Religion

Celente says that members of various congregations all over the world will begin to more readily flock to, what he calls, “The Church of Freedom, Peace & Justice.”

We forecast that rather than forming a political party, by masses uniting under a religious order, it will be difficult for governments to impose COVID restrictions that would be in violation of the Freedom to religiously assemble… as evidenced by the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

Moreover, at a time when many are disenchanted with the entire political process, a universal chorus to let “Freedom, Peace & Justice” ring will be heard around the world as people rise to a higher spiritual order in words, deeds, and actions.

The Chinese Takeover

Gerald Celente has reiterated this over and over again in The Trends Journal and his video reports:

The 20th century was the American century – the 21st century will be the Chinese century. The business of China is business; the business of America is war.

Completely absent from mainstream news, both liberal and conservative, China has done VERY well for themselves this year. China has been completely reopened, and their factories are working around the clock as they did before. Meanwhile, other developed nations sink deeper into a depression.

The Trends Journal has reported many times that China is doing what is called “dual circulation.” This is essentially saying “China first.” China has the abundant resources that can sustain themselves, while the rest of the world is forced to bend the knee to China in order to keep themselves somewhat afloat. China, this year, will have a GROWTH in their GDP, while many western and other developed nations continue to crash and burn. They have continued to increase the market shares, and boost up their digital currency, the Renminbi, which is starting to become more attractive to some investors.

New World Disorder 2.0

Finally, Celente gives his 10th trend, and that is a new world disorder 2.0

Back in 2019, protests raged from South America to Africa, from the Middle East to Asia to Europe, with millions taking to the streets in numbers never seen before fighting against government control, corruption, income inequality, poverty, violence, and crime.

And politicians across the globe were fighting against angry mobs who wanted to overthrow them. Then, suddenly, when the COVID War broke out on the Chinese Lunar New Year 2020, governments locked down their nations and locked down the protests.

In 2021, the uprisings and revolutions that were sweeping the world before the COVID War will accelerate dramatically, as billions of people sink deeper into economic despair.

In response, governments will again attempt to use the COVID War as a “legal” justification to prohibit protests. But, as Gerald Celente says, “When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.” And lose it, they will.

We forecast the protests will escalate into civil wars and civil wars will spread to regional wars, as citizens by the millions flee their nations for neighboring safe havens.

Author Commentary

I shared this because there are a LOT of those among the professing body of Christ who are absolutely in the dark as to what is going on. Many simply just do not care, and have a very nonchalant attitude to all that is going on. Many are not being vigilant and sober-minded (1 Pet 5:8); and it shows.

I believe Celente is on point with his forecast. Things will be getting a whole lot worse for many, and there is a seemingly endless amount of facts to support that. There has never been a “v-shaped” recovery from day one of reopening from the lockdowns. The WinePress will continue to report the facts that corroborate with that statement.

To add onto Celente’s forecast, I also see an important trend among religion to take note of. Besides the formation of a “new religion,” (which further plays into Bible prophecy of the coming antichrist religion and government), the deception among “houses of worship” will only increase.

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

[3] For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; [4] And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

2 Timothy 3:13, 4:3-4

The government-controlled churches of all denominations and sects will continue to ignore and be forced not call out the corruption of the politicians and “the bigs.” Instead, they will not offer the support and strength that is needed. Rather, they will continue to preach their Laodecian gospel and message, as they have been for some time now. The hirelings will continue to pontificate “Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jer 8:11). And the people will respond accordingly, and say to those hirelings,

[10] … Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: [11] Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.

Isaiah 30:10-11

Because of this, there will be a very small number of people who will finally grow tired of this, and will cause them to repent and avoid dead religion, and return to or be converted to the truth; or it will continue to fuel atheist-new age movements. What will definitely occur is a rising number of home churches will flourish, as things revert back to the ways things are in the Bible, in a sense; and a rise in more internet preachers: some good, some bad.

To add onto the forecast about China, China will continually grow and grow. Under a Biden (Harris) administration, America will reach out to China once more, and China will embrace. The Trump administration’s tariffs and other sanctions did not do much, but ultimately hurt the US in the long run. The trade deficit at the end of 2019 remained virtually unchanged from where it started, and 2020 has been no different.

China fulfills the end times role of “the kings of the east” spoken of in Revelation 16:12; and the Gog-Magog war spoken of in Ezekiel 38-39. This war would also include major powers such as Russia, and many other Middle Eastern and Mediterranean nations.

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